Conferring with HaRav Gershon in pre-Covid days

After eighty years, the kollel avreichim and yeshiva students in Mexico were able for the first time to stand upon the property of a new area in Extapan de la Sal which was purchased through courage and determination according to vision and enterprise at the cost of millions of dollars. This property encompasses half a million square meters (over 100 acres) with surrounding areas earmarked for future purchase only by appropriate buyers for this city-of-Torah complex totaling another two million square meters (over 400 acres).
The architects have already completed the blueprints according to municipal planning regulations which include all Torah institutions of all the different communities. The yeshiva dominates center space, surrounded by the first forty apartments for avreichim. The bulldozers are already on site and the dream is taking on real proportions. The presidium already exists. This aims to be a Torah city directed by the guidance of Torah leadership and the accompaniment of the prime Mexican rabbonim, and is ready to materialize.
Mexico is not only thinking about Torah but also of the future, says one of the chief askonim, the living spirit of this enterprise. Mexico already boasts over three thousand cheder students, `kids' who will be the future `goats' of the community. Over 300 avreichim who are full time scholars are enrolled in thirty kollelim, and thousands attend daily shiurim.
Conferring with HaRav Shmuel

The yeshiva is under HaRav Yehoshua Gertzulin and is an extension of the Torah institutions of HaRav Daniel Davidson, standing under the full direction and presidency of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philadelphia and member of the American Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. When the issue of the need to establish a Torah city far from the hustle-bustle of Mexico City was laid before the elder of Roshei Yeshivos, he sought the advice of HaRav Gershon Eidelstein. If he were to approve of the idea, he would be asked to assume the responsibility for this city and formulate the path which it was to follow at all stages of the building of this city and its character, as well as its future administration and development.
In passing from vision to reality, which future plans are in the offing, or are they already factual, requiring only materialization?
HaRav Davidson: "The yeshiva is an existing entity! We intend to lay the cornerstone in a few months time, when the tractors will already be on site. All that is needed at this point is to raise about twenty million dollars. Even though one can purchase a home in the Mexico City for $600 thousand, here one will be able to buy a home of 200 sq. meters for $120 thousand, which is a lifesaver for third generation avreichim who cannot afford to provide a roof over their heads. But I must stress that some wealthy people are also interested in acquiring homes, not only because of the price but mainly because they want to place their money in a Torah city.
"One of them, whose son owns a palatial home in the city, begged us to be allowed to be first in line. And he is not the only one. Many will desire this city for its atmosphere and not for its savings in price. Everyone involved is interested in the establishment of a city on Mexican grounds which will hopefully change the very fabric of this country and of adjoining countries as well."
As far as the mentality of the local population, do you foresee any significant interest in being part of a Torah environment in an island of Torah within Mexico, which overflows with materialism?
Homes designed for avreichim

"Even if this is not for everyone, avreichim cannot live under the present circumstances. Boruch Hashem, Mexican avreichim subsist on a minimum and not like in the past when the wealthy people lived on a grandiose level. Today, third generation Mexican Jews are seeking something new and spiritual. They are already avreichim, sons of avreichim, who eschew luxuries and who souls pine for Torah. But they don't want to be a burden on their parents in asking for an apartment in Mexico City whose price has shot up to the skies.
"On the other hand, today most laymen appreciate Torah and know the importance of yeshivos. 35 years ago, if we were to have told them that a kollel was to be established, they would have considered us mad. Today, however, there are many kollelim, and the present day laymen appreciate this exceedingly.
"I came to Mexico 23 years ago. Looking back a mere ten years, I can see double the amount of Torah students than at that time. We didn't dream that this would flourish at such a speed. Ten years from now, there will be that much more Torah, avreichim and Yiddishkeit because Mexico has grown and there are many who wish to increase Torah, many of these able to provide the `flour' for the Torah. These people understand that if there is no wherewithal, no means, there is no Torah. In this sense, the community is [also] growing and flourishing.
"Our Syrian community boasts 16 batei Knesset, 15 kollelim and six yeshivos. It is amazing to see that even the Torat Eliyahu community has grown by leaps and bounds. It is clear that it will continue to increase at an incomparable rate of momentum."