Support the Shmittah Observers
by Yisroel Rosner
The dais at the kenes 
A kenes to call upon the community to support the gibborei koach who keep the mitzvah of shmittah fully was held on Sunday night 23 Adar in a special tent set up near the home of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita. In addition to the Sar Hatorah and the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Gershon Edelstein shlita among those also attending were the Admor from Vishnitz, the Admor of Tchernoble, HaRav Shimon Baadani, HaRav Yitzchok Mendelson of Kommemiyus and HaRav Yosef Efrati.
As a result of the Corona crisis, there is a serious concern of a significant decline in observance of this difficult and expensive mitzvah. Jews all over the world were called upon to support the Keren Hashevi'is.

"Everyone should acquire a part in the Shmittah year so that we will be redeemed"
Maran Sar HaTorah wrote:
"Adar 5781, the eve of the seventh year. We are approaching the upcoming Shmittah year and I hereby strengthen the hands of the Keren Hashemitta which has done so much in the past dozens of years as well as now to strengthen those gibborei koach who observe the sanctity of Shmittah in practice.
"Surely every person will want to take part in this Shmittah year and keep this particular mitzvah, and also to fortify those who keep it [in practice]. May it be His will that these increase in number. We pray that we shall be redeemed and see the realization of Chazal's promise that in the merit of Shmittah we will be indeed redeemed. As the Chazon Ish said: in the merit of keeping the laws, we will merit the Geula, speedily and in our days."

"The merit of the farmers is not for their own sake. Rather, they bring merit upon the entire public"
The keynote address at the emergency meeting was delivered by the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Gershon Edelstein, who said, "It is a very simple thing that the merit of keeping Shmittah is a tremendous merit. Those who do so are called `mighty heroes who execute His will". This is their title: mighty heroes. Those important farmers who valiantly observe Shmittah are victorious over nature. It is a tremendous source of merit.
Such men do not only garner merit for themselves to be blessed with all of their needs. They also provide merit for the public at large. The more such farmers, they greater the overall general merit, for us all. All the more so if we support them for then we become actual partners in the keeping of Shmittah, as an integral part of them. It is a source of great merit to each one who assists them, as well as a conglomerate merit for all of Klal Yisroel.
"May Hashem help us to observe the mitzvah of Shmittah as Halacha requires."