The United Torah Jewry election campaign continues to unite the chareidi public across its entire spectrum under the united call "First of All - Chareidi, This is Our Greatness, This is Our Pride." This call hones the fact that even when the media seeks to divide the Israeli public and shoots poisoned arrows of incitement against the entire chareidi sector, not differentiating between the different factions, this actually transforms us as walking germ "variants," lepers and disease spreaders. This is how the media has turned our community into pariahs.
At the same time, when the hostile media continues to strike and incite against every chareidi Jew, the chareidi representatives in the Knesset have tried to protect us by reacting accordingly, and standing vigil. But the media people, as always, focus their provocation against the chareidi public as a whole. This is how the `enlightened' press forced us to establish a chareidi press. Their methods become more sophisticated and today they try to incite on Shabbos so that no chareidi can react immediately and rebut their lies.
In the election headquarters, we are told that this incitement is filtering in. "We must not allow them to be victorious and transform the public into their vessels and vassals, and to allow one and all to harm us through a Trojan horse in the name of various interests. As chareidi Jews we know how to separate the personal arguments from the understanding of chareidi responsibility and accountability in general." This is the view at the headquarters.
"In voting for United Torah Jewry, we declare and clarify that our Torah leaders continue to set our tone. This shall be the eternal reply against all those who attempt to say that we do not comply to daas Torah. This is the time for us to sanctify Hashem's Name.
Real newspaper clippings: The top one reads, "The Chareidim are more dangerous to Israel than Hizbullah

"We are all in the boat of incitement against us, and we will all defend our ship which is being navigated by our gedolei Yisroel. We chareidim are not ashamed nor do we flee from what we are. We will attain our rights, and our Knesset representatives who toil for us day by day will continue to stand up for us. We can already see the terrible propaganda seeping in; the threats to thwart our Torah avreichim and cancel our child benefits are being aired by high ranking politicians. If we knuckle under they are likely to win. Our campaign seeks to unite, and calls upon every chareidi Jew to realize that we are first and foremost chareidim; this is our prominence and our pride. The results of this provocation will hopefully strengthen our party and serve as a stunning blow to the incitement, by each individual from within our ranks casting a vote."
It should be noted that at the same time, while still honing our messages and publicity activities which will yet expand, in the near future, the MK representatives of UTJ are expected to circulate, while gedolei Yisroel and roshei yeshiva who understand the momentous opportunity will rally to arouse public lethargy. While Corona prevents public gatherings, they have suggested that they will make phone calls to their former yeshiva students to encourage them to add their efforts to the united cause, as "Who is unto Hashem - unite." The feelings are high and the roshei yeshiva are concerned, as reported by the headquarters.
At the same time, outreach organizations have formulated plans of action. This week, heads of outreach organizations and heads of youth movements will meet to expand their activities for the campaign. These have gained the encouraging ear of gedolei Yisrael and UTJ Knesset representatives to annex them to work on expanding the circle of voters.
The people at headquarters stress that the form of activity has changed significantly and new creative methods are being suggested to arouse the public and reach a larger and different votership. Headquarters are turning to the public at large to offer their input of ideas as well through email: 8485164@gmail.com