The dam

The Kinneret water level stood this week at a minus 209.345 meters. The average recent rise of two centimeters a day as a result of the inflow of streams points to a lack of only another 54.5 cubic centimeters in order for the Kinneret to reach its full capacity at the top red line.
It should be noted that an opening of the Degania dam is expected to take place according to the rule determining the opening of the dam, which is that the dam is opened when the level reaches 50 centimeters below the maximum red line so as to avoid damage to buildings located on the lakeside.
The Degania dam is located in the southern section of the lake and was constructed artificially in order to control the water level of the Kinneret so as to allow the flow of water to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea in time of need. It was build eighty years ago by the Electric Company under the direction of its first administrator, Pinchas Rotenberg. The dam has two gates for regulating the opening and closing of the dam with two other reserve gates. All incorporate nets preventing fish from leaving the lake.