How to Be Safeguarded from the Plague — By Studying the Laws of Shmittah
by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky
These are typically short answers given to short questions asked by his grandson, HaRav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky.
Q. We have been suffering from this pandemic for over a year. There are many ill, many departed ones. What is suggested to be studied to banish it from our midst?
A. "Shevi'is."
Q. Why is this particular study conducive to protection from troubles?
A. Because Shmittah saves from troubles.
Q. Why does Shmittah [study] protect from troubles?
A. This is explicit in the Torah.
Q. Is there any work which can be studied together with the Rambam?
A. "Chazon Ish."
Q. Isn't the "Chazon Ish" difficult for people?
A. They should not be lazy.
Q. Might it not be more advisable to study "Derech Emunah" by the Saba?
A. Nu, nu, maybe.
Q. What is the expected reward of one who studies two daily halochos of the Rambam?
A. Gan Eden.
Q. What blessing can Saba give to whoever studies them?
A. That they be healthy.
A special edition of the laws of shmittah of the Rambam with a clear explanation written by HaRav Shaul Kanievsky shlita based on Derech Emunah can be downloaded HERE.