Answering the questions
Q. What Mussar work do you recommend for a student in yeshiva gedola or ketana to study?
A. Mesillas Yeshorim
Q. If a rebbe sees that his students lack a love for Torah, what should he do to instill it?
A. He should ask them challenging questions.
Q. And if he sees that this is not enough?
A. Try again.
Q. When his son comes home, should a father review what he learned in yeshiva or learn other things with him?
A. What he learned in yeshiva.
Q. If a student hears his father speaking loshon hora or other forbidden things, should he say anything to him or just mind his own business?
A. It is none of his business.
Q. Should a bochur study Daf Hayomi or this is only for baalebatim?
A. Yes, he should.
Q. How can a maggid shiur instill good middos in his students?
A. He should study Mussar with them.
Q. From which sefer?
A. "Mesillas Yeshorim"
Q. When Maran studied by HaRav Michel Yehuda Lipkowitz, did the latter include Mussar in his shiur?
A. Yes
Q. What is preferable? A yeshiva with a good Rebbi but with weak students or one with good students but a weak Rebbi?
A. Good friends
Q. Why are they more important?
A. Because you can learn a lot from them
Q. But if he maintains that he learns from the Rosh Yeshiva, not from his friends
A. That is not true
Q. What must you say to a student who says that he enjoys learning the gemara the first time, but it loses its flavor when he reviews it because he already knows it?
A. It's a mitzvah
Q. But he says that it doesn't appeal to him any more
A. The satisfaction will come
Q. What to say to a student who says that he has no satisfaction from prayer?
A. It is because he is not davening with kavono
Q. If he does daven bekavona, will he then have satisfaction in prayer?
A. Yes
Q. What to tell a student who has difficulty getting up on time?
A. He has to get up.
Q. He claims that he is tired and finds it difficult
A. Even if it is difficult
Q. What will be his reward if he succeeds in davening on time?
A. He will be able to learn well
Q. If a student has difficulty in keeping up with the maggid shiur and says he prefers to learn on his own, must he be forced to attend the shiur or may he study a different gemara?
A. He has to attend
Q. And if he maintains that it is more beneficial for him to study on his own?
A. No. He must attend.
Q. Until what age must a student have a Rebbi?
A. Until one hundred
Q Until what age should a father study with his son?
A. Until twenty
Q. The Lev Shome'a organization sends avreichim to study with students with difficulties, but this is difficult for the mother. What can she gain from this?
A. A good parnossa
Q. What benefit or blessing will the avreichim merit?
A. Gan Eden.