In a very significant and uplifting visit, HaRav Dov Lando, Rosh Yeshivas Slobodka, delivered a rousing shiur klalli at Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel on Maseches Pesochim which is currently being studied there. The subject was [kol sheino etc.], also regarding the laws of chodosh and matzo from untithed flour. His audience was comprised of hundreds of the talmidim as well as by the presence of the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yigal Rosen, and the other roshei yeshiva.
Upon its conclusion, he also spoke encouragingly, saying,
"In the blessing of Ahava Rabbah which we recite daily, we express the plea that Hashem `enlighten our eyes in Your mitzvos and cause our hearts to cleave to Your Torah.' We ask to see the light embodied in the mitzvos and that we cleave unto the Torah. This constitutes a love for Torah, which we seek. We can combine the two requests and say that if our hearts are entwined with Your mitzvos, we will also enjoy enlightenment in Your Torah, each one complementing the other.
"When the Ohr Somayach encountered difficulty in his study, he would close the gemara, give tzedokoh and pray. What would he ask for? Not that he understand the difficulty and find an explanation, but that his love for Torah would increase. For if this was granted, he would already find the answer to his difficulty, since this added love for Torah would enable him to understand it.
"One should connect to Torah, toil in understanding it in depth from his love for it as Chazal taught us. Yeshiva students should strive to attach themselves to the teachings of their roshei yeshiva and will thus merit that Hashem enlighten their eyes in Torah and in the mitzvos."