HaRav Gershon Eidelstein cordially and affably received the rabbonim and talmidim of Yeshivas Nachlas Binyomin from Modi'in Illit, of which he has served as president since its formation.
This time he delivered a talk to the visitors, students and rabbonim of Nachlas Binyomin, which is so dear to his heart, to prepare them for the upcoming Shavuos. It dealt with the acquisition of Torah, how to obtain these principles and how to fortify themselves in these days.
He began with a greeting:
Welcome in peace, rabbonim and talmidim. who thirst to listen. It is written that there will be a time when all will be hungry to hear the world of Hashem, [especially now] when we are before the Shavuos Yom tov and must prepare ourselves for the giving of the Torah.
The Torah is acquired through forty-eight ways. There are also three crowns: that of Torah, of kehuna and that of royalty, while that of a good name is greater than the others.
At the end of Parshas Zos Haberacha, Targum Yonoson says that Moshe possessed the crown of Torah. How did he acquire it? Through humility and good works. Humbleness is a character level, but what is it, essentially? Mesillas Yeshorim devotes two chapters to it.
Moshe Rabbenu possessed humility in a greater measure than everyone else. He stated: `And what are we?'
Avrohom Ovinu said: `I am but earth and ashes.'
Dovid Hamelech said: `I am but a worm; not a man.'
The statements of Avrohom and Dovid show that they still considered themselves as something tangible, either dust or a living creature, while Moshe denied being anything. He was `Mah,' a nonentity. A nothing.
Such a level could only have been reached by Moshe Rabbenu. It is testified that he was more humble than any human being on earth, and this gained for him the crown of Torah.
It is written that the talmidim of Rabbi Akiva showed a lack of respect for one another - not that they abused one another or even hurt them in any way. No. Only that they failed to respect one another befittingly, which is why they were punished.
Was this the deserving punishment meted upon them through Heaven? How is this possible [that they should deserve to die]?
Only because of their stature which caused shock waves to vibrate around them. Hashem is strict with great ones to a hairsbreadth.
This punishment can be understood because it showed a lack of love for one's fellow man which is one of the principles of acquiring Torah. If this is flawed, there is a flaw in their Torah acquisition and consequently, a form of bitul Torah.
Not only [does it show] a lack of love for one's fellow man in a passive way, but is a vital value of Torah. How? Because Torah without `ve'ohavta lerei'acha' shows a deficiency in [one's] Torah; this value constitutes a prime principle in success in Torah.
This involves the necessary preparation for receiving the Torah.
We see here that the entire public comes to avidly hear about preparation for Shavuos.
What is this preparation?
Good middos. Surely coupled with Torah study, but the prerequisite is good middos. All this must surely continue after Shavuos lest there be a decline.
The best fortification is to establish a set study of Mussar. Mussar works provide guidance to every one regarding trials, the yetzer hora and schemes to overcome them.
Mesillas Yeshorim shows how one can reach the level of kedusha. The Gaon said that up till the eleventh chapter, there is not one superfluous word; each word is essential. The Gaon says the same regarding the Rambam, also applying to Rashi. That is why we must study these in depth.