Deiah veDibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

8 Nisan, 5780 - April 2, 2020 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Zav-HaGodol-5780 Published Weekly
Stories - Fiction
Please note that the next scheduled issue is the week of parshas Tazria (April 23).

For this Pesach issue we decided to focus only on Pesach and not on the awful Covid-19 worlwide plague. May Hashem Watch and Protect all of Klal Yisroel. Have a healthy, happy and kosher Pesch. May we be zocheh to eat from the Korbonos, soon, in our days.


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We and Our Children and Our Children's Children

Yisroel Say . . . and Believed in Hashem and His Servant Moshe

During a Shabbos meal in Maran HaRav Moshe Feinstein's home, a visitor told the following story. A Jew who needed a yeshu'ah travelled to a famous Rebbe known as a tzaddik who effected yeshu'os. When he arrived the Rebbe first told him: "I want you to be aware that a yeshu'ah is dependent upon emunah. If you do not believe in me, all your efforts in coming here are in vain." The Jew answered: "Rebbe, even by the splitting of Yam Suf the Torah writes (Shemos 14:31) "Yisroel saw the great hand which Hashem did upon Egypt" and only afterwards the Torah writes "[the people] believed in Hashem." We see that emunah comes after the yeshu'ah. The Rebbe should first bring me a yeshu'ah and afterwards I will believe in him." The Jew won that argument and the Rebbe first gave him a yeshu'ah. This is what the visitor told HaRav Moshe Feinstein zt'l.

The Rosh Yeshiva answered that there is an elementary difference between saving a whole mass of people and saving an individual and therefore the kashyeh is not a good one. Moreover we can differentiate between two types of emunah: One emunah is knowing that Hashem can do everything, is Master of all, is more powerful that any power in the world, nothing can stop Him, no one can do anything without Him, and a person himself has no power whatsoever. Am Yisroel had this particular emunah before the splitting of Yam Suf since they saw the miracles in Egypt and had already learned that lesson. Even before the splitting of Yam Suf the Torah writes "Bnei Yisroel cried out to Hashem" (Shemos 14:10).

There is, however, another type of emunah...




Preparing for Pesach

It is impossible to build a house without first planning the number of rooms and floors and all the other details. In addition, the engineer also has to plan the foundations, how much iron to use inside the concrete, which type of concrete to choose for the ceilings and which type for reinforced walls. He has to make a sketch so that everyone can understand his proposals. The actual planning stage itself takes up a lot of time, everything being checked and double- checked first. How much more so do our preparations for the holy Pesach period require us to plan carefully and beseech the Creator to make us succeed and guide us in all our ways.

There are many details about the Pesach period which are not so well known. One example is the prohibition of breaking the bone of the korban pesach. The Chinuch (Mitzva 16) explains that it does not befit royalty to drag bones and break them like dogs, and, each year, during this period in which we became the am segula, our behavior must reflect the elevated level which we acquired at this time, so that we may forever internalize our superior status.




"His Eyes Survey all the Land"

by HaRav Dovid Kronglas zt'l



There are also sources in Chazal that say that important parts of life are dependent on mazal and not on zchus. One point is that Hashem does not forgo sins so that our reward will be complete. To ignore any sin would cast a severe pall over one's reward in the World of Truth. Also, Hashem established two ways of conducting the world: for those who can meet the high standard He employs the middas hadin as He "originally" thought in making the world, and for those who cannot meet this standard he uses a middas horachamim that is more lenient.

In this final part the Mashgiach zt'l discusses gilgul of neshamos and the role of Mazal.

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VII: The Hanhogo of Mazal for One Returning in a Gilgul Because of His Sins

Until now we have learned that a person's mazal is determined according to what was needed for Creation at the time when he was conceived as befitting his particular neshomoh. Nonetheless we should be aware that there is another, completely different, aspect to mazal which is decreed for him according to his past — the matter of gilgul. We will cite what the Derech Hashem (2:3:10) writes about this:

"There is another fundamental principle in the hanhogo of Olom Hazeh. The Supreme Wisdom arranged it to expedite the rescue of [the neshomoh] as was previously explained. A neshomoh will come to Olom Hazeh several times in different bodies, and in this way it will, at the time [of its return to Olom Hazeh], be able to repair what it had ruined the previous time, or to complete what it needs to complete . . . It is possible that things will happen to a person whose neshomoh is in a gilgul that were caused by a previous gilgul, and his condition in this world will be caused by that. Corresponding to that condition he will be given his mission, as I wrote above . . . "

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Rain and Kinneret Watch

by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - Winter, 5780.

A short summary of the entire season.

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From Our Archives

Husbands, Wives and Children

by HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg

Part II

In the first part of this essay about the very important topic of sholom bayis HaRav Scheinberg noted that generally a couple starts out compatible and together, but later breaks apart. The long and intimate contact of married life brings out frictions that were not visible previously. In discussing how the Torah begins with chesed, Chazal cite Hashem's actions towards Odom Horishon and Chavah after the sin, because then chesed became hard and unnatural, as it were. But that is when chesed begins. He also noted and quoted that the Rambam details the way husband and wife must treat each other, but the Rambam writes the husband's obligations first, to teach us that he must start. The reasons for this are discussed below.

Hashem created men and women to have complementary roles in life. Therefore, husbands and wives have two different natures. Shlomo Hamelech, in Mishlei (1:8) writes, "Listen, my children, to the mussar of your father and do not forsake the Torah of your mother." Mussar involves discipline and this role naturally suits the father. The father is usually the more stern, demanding parent, whereas the mother has the natural capacity to be more compassionate and kind.

The Prime Objective: Speak About My Name Everywhere In The Land!

by HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo Silbermann, zt'l

In this shiur, HaRav Silbermann clarifies the main objective of yetzias Mitzrayim. His penetrating conclusion has important consequences for fulfilling the mitzvoh of sippur yetzias Mitzrayim at the seder. This shiur was delivered two years ago, on erev Pesach 5760, and was prepared from the notes of one of the listeners by A. Chefetz. It is being presented here to mark HaRav Silbermann's first yahrtzeit on 18 Adar.

Why Just Three Days?

A close examination of Moshe Rabbenu's conversations with Pharaoh reveals something strange. In Shemos 5:3, Moshe Rabbenu tells Pharaoh, "We have been called upon by the G-d of the Hebrews, please let us go on a three day journey in the desert and we will sacrifice to Hashem our G-d, lest He smite us [i.e. you -- Rashi] with plague or with the sword."

Nisan is the Month of Geulah

by Mordecai Plaut

The postwar generation has generally had it pretty good. In the West it grew up and came of age in a time of increasing prosperity and general calm. There have been crises in the West and wars in Israel, but they were usually pretty short -- a few months at most. For the most part, the past half a century has been a period of secure establishment and growth.

The ascendent social ideas were tolerance and freedom. Although in theory these are far from the Torah ideals, in practice their power has proven pleasant for the Jewish people who had been generally persecuted, along with whoever else may have been out of favor. With tolerance for our existence and the freedom to pursue what we wanted, life seemed pretty good.

On the whole, Jews were accepted and even admired at times for their skills and successes. The Torah community went from a defensive period to a period of consolidation and onwards to expansion and increase along all fronts. Things seemed to be getting better all the time.

Although many of the trends are continuing, the past several years have brought many changes in unwelcome directions.

Shevii Shel Pesach: How the Depths of Despair Lead to the Depths of Hashem's Lovingkindness

by S. Bilgrei

The most powerful day of Sefiras HaOmer is Shevii Shel Pesach which is a real yom tov. Shevii Shel Pesach was the day of Krias Yam Suf, the splitting of the sea.

Chazal compare Yetzias Mitzrayim to a birth, with similar stages. The initial exodus is described as "nin'ar havlad lotzeis," the baby is aroused to emerge. Sometimes however, there is a crisis called, "Ki bo'u bonim ad mashber veko'ach ayin leleidoh" (Yeshayoh 37:3) -- the birth cannot proceed, creating a life-threatening situation.

The birth began when Am Yisroel started leaving Mitzrayim, but as long as the Egyptians were alive and they related to them as their masters, they were not completely detached and the birth was not complete.

As they were going out, the Jews reached a terrible crisis. The sea was in front of them, the Mitzrim were bearing down behind them, and then came the decisive prosecution in Heaven: "Hallolu ovdei avoda zora vehallolu ovdei avoda zora" -- the Jews worshiped idols just as their oppressors. The birth could not proceed, posing a threat of disaster. Krias Yam Suf was the final, successful birth and that was truly the moment of redemption.

Preceding the arrival of Moshiach, we will experience the same procedure. We don't know when Moshiach will come, but we know that we are in the process. Never was a generation so painfully lacking spiritually -- which is a reflection of the birth pangs. We are in the situation of, "Ki bo'u bonim ad mashber veko'ach ayin leleidoh." We are waiting for the resolution of birth.

What happened at Krias Yam Suf, and how will this repeat itself in our generation? We must analyze and learn what actually split the Sea because that will bring us the final redemption as well.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005