Guidance Issued by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and HaRav Gerson Edelstein
BS"D Menachem Av 5780
To Maggidei Shiur, Melamdim and Yeshiva Students
Seeing the proliferation of the epidemic in the entire world, it is the duty of each one of us to be exceptionally vigilant that he not be harmed nor that he harm others. Torah disseminators must be all the more careful since Torah study is dependent upon them (see Shulchon Aruch and Rema Yoreh Dei'a, laws of Melamdim 242). To our regret, there are centers of Torah study which had to close down because their teachers contracted the virus.
In general, the obligation of caution includes preventing participation in events such as weddings, bar mitzvos etc. outside of immediate family members.
One should not remain in a beis medrash which does not adhere to the necessary precautions, which also includes all places of study such as yeshivos and chadorim. Special caution should prevail so as not to cause bittul Torah of the public.
Whoever is accordingly careful is included in the blessing of "Blessed is the one who shall uphold the Torah."
During the period after Tisha B'Av until Rosh Chodesh Elul, when students are not within the yeshiva framework, it is all the more important to refrain from outings and hikes, for many tragedies result from these. Rest and relaxation is necessary but certainly not shunning the yoke of Torah, for this is most severe.
(signed) Chaim Kanievsky
(signed) Y. Gershon Edelstein