Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
As of March 26 (1 Nisan) 594.9 millimeters of rain had
fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season
(August 1 to date). This represents 121% of the average
rainfall for this period and 111% (!) of the average rainfall for
the entire season in the Jerusalem area which is 537 mm.
In most of the country the rainfall is ahead of average
rainfall for the period. The main rain months are December, January and February, so we are past most of the season. In many places they have substantially surpassed the annual rainfall for the entire season.
The current level of the Kinneret, updated as of March 26, is -209.24 meters below
sea level, which is now under a half-a-meter below the full red line of -208.8 meters. Hashem has been good to us in this area this year so far.
It rose 18 cm. over the past week. The experts say that it is unlikely that it will fill up this year. Relatively little water is taken out as the bulk of Israel's drinking water comes from desalination but lately they have been drawing more water. There is still plenty to daven for.
Lightning over Jerusalem photographed by Moshe
Klukowski for the Israel Meteorological Services, Oct 14,