In remarks at his Slobodka Yeshiva, HaRav Lando said:
Heeding the advice and instructions of the doctors is an obligation based on the Shulchan Aruch. To all those who make light of them with all kinds of rationalizations, I say: "Are you so sure of your reasoning?" As long as you are not completely certain, how can you go ahead and subject yourself and your surroundings to dangers. This is certainly a possible issue of pikuach nefesh and even where there is doubt the halacha is that one must go to the strict side. Gedolei Yisrael are blessed with a farseeing vision. They were concerned about distant possibilities, concerned with what might happen even if it is not evident at this time. Ignoring this does not show wisdom but the opposite.
About the outbreak he said: We see how HaKodosh Boruch Hu created with such a tiny creature a situation that affects the entire world. Even if all the experts and prognosticators thought about different possibilities, we see that they are confronted with aspects that they did not foresee.
We do not know what caused this storm. All those who say there are signs of what is to come do not know anything. What HKB"H wants from us is: "Shuvoh Yisroel!"
The Rosh Yeshiva warned against phobias: I heard that some are gripped with phobias or depressions. This is certainly not good. One must be besimcha, and especially in these days of preparation for Pesach one must prepare with simchah. Every head of household should make sure that there is no confusion in his household. One must create a good atmosphere in the home. One should play music and create a good atmosphere.
I pity those who are far from Torah lives who may fall into depression or excessive fear. I believe it wakens them up. We are fortunate to live with individual Providence, and just this awareness brings calmness.
We are in the situation as it was before Yehoshua ben Gamla meaning that every father must teach his sons Torah. When one cannot send to teachers, the obligation reverts to the father.