The Main Siyum HaShas in Israel will be on 3 Teves (December 31) near Bnei Brak
By Yisrael Rosner
An earlier siyum 
In two and a half weeks, those who have undertaken to study the Daf Hayomi Bavli will have completed this cycle, marking the 13th series of Siyum HaShas since the Daf Yomi was initiated at an Agudath Israel Knessia. The committee organizing the event in Eretz Yisroel through the representatives of Chareidi Judaism are making preparations for the central celebration to take place on Tues. the 3rd of Teves, 5780 (December 31), under the leadership of our Torah gedolim, members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and Chachmei HaTorah, roshei yeshivos, Admorim, rabbonim and dayonim, communal heads of all the communities and distinguished circles of chareidi Jewry here, united with one heart, exemplifying "Together the Tribes of Israel."
The historic event to be celebrated with full pomp and ceremony as befits the honor of Torah and its devotees, and glorifying a Torah nation united in the holy Torah, will take place in a huge area allocated for this purpose on the main highway, at Eim Hamoshavot, on the outskirts of Bnei Brak, the city of Torah and Chassidus, which is expecting an attendance of tens of thousands of Jews from throughout the country, completing the round of study of the Oral Torah through the Daf Hayomi program in its thirteenth cycle, together with masses of Torah true Jews who have joined the ranks of those who are already studying the Daf Hayomi for the upcoming fourteenth round of study.
As this momentous date approaches, waves of anticipation and excitement is felt amongst those who have joined the Daf Hayomi study and will be completing this round, as well, to be sure, those who will have joined the previous study cycles, alongside the masses of chareidi Jews joining the momentous milestone for Jewry.
The event is expected to be attended by many thousands. The dais is expected to have room for 600 rabbonim and community leaders.