Letter to Daf Yomi Learners All Over the World
We see how tens of thousands of Jews have merited these days to complete the entire study of Shas according to the Daf Hayomi schedule and we have now come in the matter of adding the study of Mishnayos Seder Zeraim alongside the study of the daily Daf, a program already promoted by our rabbonim, the luminaries of the Diaspora.
The blessed initiative now suggested is to combine for the upcoming 63 days during which Maseches Brochos is being studied, the study of a daily perek from Seder Zeraim so as to complete the entire Seder Zeraim together with the Maseches Brochos. This study presents a tremendous advantage whereby the entire Seder Zeraim is covered alongside the study of Maseches Brochos which is, in effect, a complementary completion of Shas.
With the help of Hashem, in the future, Seder Taharos will also be joined up with the study of Bava Basra.
The advantage of the general study of mishnayos is well known, as is the study of Seder Zeraim. Those who learn and know it are few and therefore the reward thereof is increased. Completing Seder Zeraim will constitute a whole entity of study and one mitzvah leads to another.
May this initiative generate strength and power to begin and complete the entire Shas and increase wisdom [whereby] we will merit the Geula shleima and keep all of those mitzvos dependent upon the land.
Amen, may it be His will.
(signed) S.Y.C. Kanievsky
The Letter from HaRav Chaim and the notes from HaRav Shteinman zt"l and HaRav Lefkowitz zt"l 
NOTE: The handwritten notes at the top are from HaRav Aharon Shteinman zt"l and HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt"l.