HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita
In the following lines, we present several halachic questions regarding the awarding of prizes, presented by the rabbonim of the organization Chadesh Bekirbi to HaRav Chaim Kanievsky:
Q. Selected essays presented to the Vaad HaRabbonim are graded according to their quality and subsequently, the monetary awards are established accordingly. How must one act when two avreichim are deserving of the prize: should one prefer the avreich who is the greater scholar, the needier one, the senior one - or otherwise?
Sar HaTorah: Award it to the one who is the greater talmid chochom.
Q. Does this apply even if the other is needier?
Sar HaTorah: He is also needy. Everyone is needy!
Q. And if they talmidei chachomim of the same caliber?
Sar HaTorah: Give the older one in such a case.
Q. And if they are of the same age?
Sar HaTorah: One of them must be older. They weren't born the same moment.
Q. Can a lottery be cast for a final decision?
Sar HaTorah: No. Give it to the senior one.
Q. Is it preferable to give a larger award to an avreich rather that to a bochur?
Sar HaTorah: Only if he is a greater talmid chochom.