Warning About Measuring Temperature on Shabbos
by Deiah Vedibur Staff
The measuring of temperature upon entering various hospitals and other public places, like guest houses etc., constitutes a problem of desecrating Shabbos, both because of the electronic activities involved and also due to the writing that appears on the display.
This is prohibited, even when temperature is measured manually by the guard at the entrance, as well as in places that have a thermal camera system which automatically checks people upon entry, where figures and temperatures are registered upon a screen.
Consequently, there is no permission to enter such places on Shabbos, except for cases of actual danger as where the Halacha stipulates that one may desecrate the Shabbos because of life-threat, but certainly not for the sake of merely visiting the sick etc.
The correct manner in hospitals should be for them to appoint a gentile guard to perform the examination, and in this way, it will also be possible to visit patients whose condition is not life-threatening.
Sriel Rosenberg
Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt
Sholom Yosef Gelber
Yitzchok Mordechai Hakohen Rubin
Menachem Mendel Lubin
The Letter 