The Corona plague still hovers over the entire world, including many Jews throughout the globe who fell victim to it, while others became ill and require much Heavenly compassion.
It is known that during the Sefira, we customarily mourn the deaths of the talmidim of Rabbi Akiva who lacked respect for one another. The main thing [at this time] is to do whatever we can to rectify this blemish and shortcoming. Therefore, precisely during these days we must increase and augment [deeds] in matters between man and his fellow man.
Therefore, each one of us should reinforce himself in interpersonal matters and seek to increase peaceful and brotherly relations between one another, even if he knows he is right, he should act according to these values.
May this great merit stand us and all of those afflicted amongst Jewry, so that we can all, "as one" merit the blessings of our Father, of Hashem's salvation through mercy, and enjoy the complete Geula, speedily and in our time.
Chaim Kanievsky
Y. Gershon Edelstein
Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi
Reuven Elbaz
Meir Tzvi Bergman
Shimon Baadani
Admor of Lelov
Admor of Boyan
Admor of Zevihl
Admor of Alexander
Tzvi Drabkin
Admor of Vizhnitz
Admor of Seret Vizhnitz
Admor of Tzanz
Chaim Meir Halevi Wosner
Yitzchok Zilbersteing
Admor of Modzhitz
Admor of Tchernoble
Moshe Hillel Hirsch
David Yosef
David Cohen
Shalom Cohen
Moshe Maya
Boruch Dov Povarksy
Admor of Sadigura
Admor of Biala
Admor of Belz
Yitzchok Sheiner
Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger
(Signatures are according to Hebrew alphabetical order)