Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

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14 Elul, 5780 - September 3, 2020 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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The Key to Kesiva Vechasima Tovah? Good Middos

by HaRav Aharon Y.L. Shteinman zt"l


In a Mussar talk during Elul, HaRav Shteinman said that every person who prays to Hashem to help him, asks for reward therefor. But what of one whose character traits are not in order, what form of reward can he expect? That his unsavory middos be fully utilized? Is this, then, regarded as a plea for a writ and sealing for a good new year?

Woe unto any success such sinners may be granted for the coming year! It is to be regarded as a misfortune! We are not addressing here people of such wicked levels, but if people do not mend their characters, and yet are given a chance to continue their wicked ways, where is the gain in their being written and sealed for a good coming year?

The more a person improves his middos and keeps the mitzvos, the more he will be elevated by each mitzvah he performs; he will become more receptive as a vessel capable of containing the true spiritual reward. All the more so regarding the mitzvah of Torah study, which is regarded as equivalent to all the other mitzvos combined. One cannot even describe the transformation of a person through Torah study.

There is an additional aspect to Torah study which is the greater and more profound measure one feels in yiras Hashem. The closer one feels to Hashem, the more he feels connected to spirituality. His being written and sealed for a good year takes on a different dimension.

Whoever is more deeply connected to spirituality becomes a greater vessel to contain more spirituality. Just as one cannot reward the wicked in a spiritual mode but only in the form of a reward which is virtually like poison to them, so, conversely, on the good side, for one who is filled with Torah and yiras Shomayim. However, where there are negative traits, it is known that even people who studied Torah were adversely affected by reward.

If one desires a beneficial kesiva vachasima tovah in the material sense, it does not guarantee that this is really for his good. One certainly needs a measure of material comfort, for this is a basic intrinsic need. But it is imperative that a person reach a level where he can be a receptive vessel for genuine reward.

When a person incorporates negative traits such as desire, envy etc., and still wants the blessing of a good year, it will be detrimental to him. Only a life of Torah and yiras Shomayim can be conducive to the true reward which Hashem wants to give him according to that person's spiritual expectations.


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