A person is accustomed to project himself during the month of Elul as already envisioning Rosh Hashonoh at its conclusion. From his viewpoint, there is nevertheless a space of time until that date. Such an outlook does not apply only to those who are indifferent but even to those who enter the gate of avodas Hashem and truly immerse themselves in the obligations of this month in Time. They envision Elul as preparation for the Day of Judgment.
Our rabbonim have taught us that this not quite the proper view. Rather, one should make a revolution from pole to pole. Elul, they said, does not just prepare a person for Rosh Hashonoh, but prepares the Rosh Hashonoh within that person!
This means that the more a person rouses himself during Elul, the more he ascends during this month in prayer, Torah study and general personal conduct, the more he is creating within himself his personal Rosh Hashonoh, for Elul is that groundwork leading to Rosh Hashonoh.
This means that when a person works upon himself during Elul, he is constructing and erecting his personal Rosh Hashonoh at that very moment in time. This is the feeling which should accompany a person with every action and every single arousal during the month of Elul.
Small wonder that Elul should thus take on a different look, for during this period, he is virtually standing in the very reality of the day.
Such a form of preparation also incorporates the matter of the shofar blowing of Elul and putting this in an entirely different perspective. The shofar of Rosh Hashonoh emanates and rises from the shofar of Elul, as the Rambam writes, "...in commemoration of 'Rise up you sleepers from your slumber and sleepers from your torpor."
Assuredly, the blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashonoh is a Torah commandment but part of hearing the sounding of the Rosh Hashonoh shofar is already extant in the blowing thereof during Elul as well.
"Cleanse yourselves, purify yourselves; remove the evil from your actions."