Letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita About the Coronva Outbreak
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff

On Friday morning 17 Adar there appeared on the front page of Yated Ne'eman in Bnei Brak the following letter about the Corona outbreak with the recommendations of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky for being protected from it.
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Letter from Rashkebahag Maran Sar HaTorah Shlita, about chizuk as a result of the Corono Sickness
Adar, 5780
With regard to the concern about being infected with the Corona sickness.
Every one should strengthen himself to be careful not to speak loshon hora and rechilus, as it says in Erechin (15), "He separated a man from his wife, so the Torah said, `He will sit alone.'" Also to strengthen the middah of anovoh (humility) and to be ma'avir al middosov (being unusually forgiving and lenient) as the Rosh writes in his commentary at the end of Horiyos.
And everyone who strengthens himself, the merit of this will protect him and his family so that not one of them will become sick.
(signed) Chaim Kanievsky
For a Hebrew transcription of the letter and the sources, please click