Sar HaTorah

These questions were posed to HaRav Chaim by the Israeli organization Lev Shomeia about various new issues that have arisen in the current unusual circumstances.
Q: A bochur is learning the material provided by his yeshiva, and his father asks him to learn with his brother bechavrusa what they are learning in his brother's yeshiva. Should he listen to his father or should he continue learning with his own yeshiva?
A: He should explain to his father.
Q: He should explain to his father that he prefers to learn what they are learning in his own yeshiva?
A: (Nods his assent.)
Q: If the father is not a talmid chochom and wants his son to learn things on his (the father's) level, what is preferable? To learn easy things with his father or to learn what his yeshiva is learning?
A: He should learn with his father.
Q: In many yeshivas there are shiurim given over the telephone. Some bochurim can listen for a long time to shiurim over the telephone, but others can only listen for a short time. And even in that short time, they can only listen to easy things. How should the rebbi aim his shiurim over the telephone, in view of the possibility that the weak bochurim may not listen at all? Should he give a high level shiur or should he give it at a lower level than usual that all will be able to follow?
A: The rebbi should daven that everyone will understand.
Q: So the rebbi should give a normal shiur at a high level and daven that they should all understand?
A: Yes.
Q: Some bochurim feel very bad about the situation where they cannot learn in public and daven with a large community. They feel as if maybe HaKodosh Boruch Hu does not want our tefillos and has thrown us out of our botei knesses and botei medrash. What should we tell them?
A: We are being trained to be like we should be.
Q: Meaning: HaKodosh Boruch Hu wants to train us to learn even like this?
A: Yes.
Q: Gedolei Yisroel said that the rebbis should call up their talmidim. If the rebbi knows that he will not be able to call everyone up, should he first call the stronger students or first call the weaker students?
A: To every one a little.
Q: Many are calling the rabbonim and they are terrified that the pandemic may kill them or their relatives, Rachmono litzlan. What should we tell them?
A: The merit of the mitzvah will protect them.
Q: So someone who learns, this will b"H protect him?
A: (Nods his assent.)
Q: A bochur who cannot learn be'iyun what they are learning in his yeshiva, because of nervousness. What should he learn?
A: Gemora Brochos.
Q: Now that some are going back to yeshivos and there is not enough room for everyone. If the yeshiva allows only one of the family to come, should the younger bochur honor his older brother and stay at home?
A: He is not required to do so, but if he wants (he may defer).