The Boyaner Rebbe at Meiron

Regarding Lag B'Omer, it has been agreed that there will be a central Hadloka as always, lit by the Boyaner Rebbe. As the central bonfire of Lag B'Omer in Meiron it has always surpassed all barriers of the various Jewish communities and is considered to be "the bonfire of all of Klal Yisrael."
Regretfully, however, the gates of Meiron will be locked to the public but the lighting will be broadcast everywhere so that, at least, the hundreds of thousands would-be participants could do so at real time, though not at real place, and somehow share the great aura radiated by the Tana Eloki, Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, at least in spirit.
Other fires will be lit in the course of the night, but all participation will be virtual, through various broadcasts, in this unprecedented year of the Covid-19 pandemic.