HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita

"Studying Torah" is the key to ward off the Corona virus; this was the message stressed by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky as the answer to topical questions addressed to him, as guidelines for roshei yeshivos, rabbonim, educators, parents and talmidim.
Question: How can we encourage and reassure someone who has been forced into isolation several times already?
Answer: He should involve himself in Torah study.
Question: What can one do to execute one's responsibility to our fellow men regarding those who are ill and likewise, to prevent healthy people from getting sick?
Answer: To study Torah, for Torah protects and preserves.
Question: What is advised for a person who is in isolation but feels the lack of the stimulating atmosphere of a beis medrash?
Answer: One can study even better at home where there are no distractions.
Question: How much must one exert himself to maintain a steady chavrusa by phone?
Answer: Exert himself to the utmost.
Question: How can one urge someone who is afraid to leave his home for fear of contagion — even under circumstances where there is no direct threat?
Answer: Part of being cautious is not to be overly cautious.
Question: If one feels that he cannot properly abide by all the safety restrictions, can he rely on the merit of Torah to protect him from harming others?
Answer: He is required not to damage his fellow man.
Question: Should one also recite Tehillim on Shabbos after davening?
Answer: One should say "Mizmor Shir leYom HaShabbos."