Walk in Awe
by YN
Dovid Hamelech said that he always kept Hashem in sight. Dovid Hamelech had an unusually close relationship with the Ribono Shel Olom but nonetheless, after all this he still had things to learn about proper conduct in a beis medrash. The Mashgiach HaRav Meir Chodosh zt"l said that he was so grateful and appreciative of someone who taught him just two things, that he called him his rebbe and his commander and his teacher.
It was Achitofel who saw Dovid sitting alone and learning, and he asked him why he was sitting alone when it says, "A sword to those who are alone." And Dovid Hamelech accepted the criticism.
On another occasion, Achitofel saw Dovid entering the beis medrash with his head up high. He said, "It says you should fear My sanctuary." One should enter in awe. It says that in the house of Elokim we should walk in awe. Even though Dovid walked constantly with Hashem, when entering the beis medrash there should be a change. Since it is the house of Elokim one should walk in awe. And Dovid Hamelech accepted the criticism.
Dovid Hamelech valued the lessons from Achitofel very highly. So much did he value them that even when it became clear that Achitofel was his enemy, Dovid asked Hashem, "You Elokim should lower him into a deep pit. Men of blood and deceit will not live even half of their expected lives, and I have trust in You."
Dovid Hamelech had such gratitude for the lessons that he learned from Achitofel that even when the latter pursued him, he could not bring himself to do anything to him. Only HaKodosh Boruch Hu could do so. And He did.