Learning under the influence of Covid-19
One day some years ago, a rosh mesivta from Yeshivas Torah Chaim in Russia came to the home of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt"l with a question which had been bothering him for quite a while. He can't help noticing how many young men who previously did not even know the alef-beis were being transformed into practicing Jews in his yeshiva. They left everything behind and within a short time, actually became esteemed Torah scholars who have even been accepted in the finest yeshiivos in Eretz Yisroel and proven to be outstanding even there!
"How has this transformation come about in such a short time?" he asked.
HaRav Shteinman smiled and said, "There is a fast rule that everything requires a measure of Siyata deShmaya. This Heavenly assistance is propitious to people, places and time. In Russia, where Yiddishkeit was suppressed and persecuted for decades, this siyata diShmaya, was inactive, but whoever did apply himself to Torah study through toil and sacrifice, was able to tap into the untouched wealth of siyata deShmaya. This applies also to Time; there are times where study is lax, while those who study full force, uninterruptedly, draw upon that blessed source to a very great degree and succeed in growing to amazing levels."
HaRav Shteinman smiled and said, "There is a fast rule that everything requires a measure of Siyata deShmaya. This Heavenly assistance is propitious to people, places and time. In Russia, where Yiddishkeit was suppressed and persecuted for decades, this siyata diShmaya, was inactive, but whoever did apply himself to Torah study through toil and sacrifice, was able to tap into the untouched wealth of siyata deShmaya. This applies also to Time; there are times where study is lax, while those who study full force, uninterruptedly, draw upon that blessed source to a very great degree and succeed in growing to amazing levels."
This is the feeling which we hear from Torah disseminators throughout the halls of Torah study and yeshivos these days. Despite the difficulty in establishing regular study sessions in yeshivos, the power and impact of Torah is revealed in its full glory and ingenuity, endowing the students with augmented siyata deShmaya which they would probably not have gained during normal times. They enjoy phenomenal success in their study.
This, for example, explains the success of the initiative introduced in many yeshivos to establish small groups of students in various open places throughout the country, adhering to safety precautions. The ritcha de'Oraysa, the exhilaration and excitement evident to all is truly astounding. When the sound of Torah in its glory reaches the ears of the various roshei yeshiva, they find themselves traveling from site to site and group to group throughout the day to deliver shiurum and talk-in-learning with the students who yearn for a physical relationship with their masters, knowing that this is how Torah tradition is transmitted from rebbe to student.
One group of the talmidim of Yeshivas Toras Zev in Yerushalayim, gathered in an open site in Modiim Illit, told of a visit from their Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Boruch Soloveitchik, who delivered a very uplifting shiur which was also transmitted to many people who were unable to come because of security and travel limitations. The sound of Torah reverberated in high spiritual decibels. This scenario repeats itself in many other places, when in the evening hours, the Mashgiach, HaRav Efraim Ansbacher, delivered many talks to small groups which devoured his words avidly.
Many yeshivos followed suit and organized themselves in various groups which combined, according to precautionary rules of social distancing, and the sound of Torah wafting in the air was a truly tremendous Kiddush Hashem.
Yeshivas Meor Yitzchok - Chemed also gathered small groups to study in open areas. The Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Menachem Yaakovson, delivered a lesson in an open area in Bnei Brak, and the Maggid Shiur of Shiur Alef, HaRav Y. Weinberg, whose presence and proximity was sought after, actually traveled from place to place to deliver his shiur twice a day in each place, shuttling from Yerushalayim. Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak and Elad, beginning at twelve, again at two to a group of students in a town nearby.
Concurrently, the Mashgiach, HaRav Menachem Shlanger, delivered a rousing vaad in Neveh Yaakov and elsewhere, with students gathered under trees in the forest, insisting that the words were much better absorbed in this atmosphere.