Health is also Torah
by YN
HaRav Shalom Meir Wallach turned our attention to an incisive comment of HaRav Eliashiv regarding the gemara in Shabbos 82a: Rav Huna said to Rabba Briya: Why aren't you studying under Rav Chisda, whose lessons are so finely honed? He said: Why should I go to him? Whenever I go, he sits me down and discusses worldly matters rather than divrei Torah. He said: One who goes to relieve himself in the bathroom should not sit hastily nor exert himself overly, because the large intestine lies on three "teeth" and if one of them falls, it can be dangerous. He replied: He is dealing with human health and you call this a profane matter? By all means, go and study under him!
HaRav Eliashiv commented on this: "His objection for not going to Rav Chisda was because he felt he could be learning other [more important] things during this time, but this is not a valid reason, for if he learns how to preserve his health and life, he will be able to study all the more, and therefore, there is even more reason to study under him!"