A first study in Israel which sequenced the Corona virus' genetic code, comparing it to the genetic code of versions of the viruses which were isolated throughout the world, reveals the significant factors of the epidemic's outbreak in Israel. The most noteworthy finding indicates that 70% of the chain of contamination reaching Israel originated in the U.S. Other cases came from Europe, primarily from Belgium and France.
It should be noted that the genetic code is slightly mutated in the process of contamination between people. These are small mutations which give researches a so-called bar code enabling them to identify how the virus spreads.
Most of the contagion in Israel came from people who entered Israel from the U.S. The various distribution in European countries is as follows: 8% of the infections came from Belgium, 6% from France, 5% from England, followed by Spain, Italy, Australia, the Philippines and Russia.
Which country was not a source of contagion? China, hardly at all, even though this was the source of the eruption, nor from South Korea or Singapore, from which flights were banned at the early stages of dealing with the pandemic. The travelers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, who were immediately put in quarantine upon their return from Japan, did not spread the disease. The first Corona viruses reached Israel only in January and not before.
In addition, it was revealed that those returning from the U.S. were the major spreaders of the disease: those few infected people who circulated in many places and did not always abide by the rules (super spreaders), became the main dispensers of the mass contamination. Statistic-wise, 5% of those infected were responsible for 80% of the entire epidemic.