The Ramchal on Geulah and the Importance of Batei Medrash as Little Windows
by De'ah Vedibur Staff
The machzor that the Ramchal used on Rosh Hashonoh - nusach Ashkenaz - with notes on the side written by him
"I will now explain what will take place at the end of Time, and this secret was revealed by Moshe Rabbenu. `In your affliction, all of these happenings will befall you...' Upon viewing this period in time, Dovid Hamelech stated, `Why, Hashem, do You stand from afar!' Understand this well.
"Know that a major opening took place with the Beis Hamikdash, a gateway from which issued forth all blessing and peace — generously and not meagerly. But when sins brought about the destruction of the holy House, this gateway was shut, while small windows were opened below it instead. These windows are small kingdoms or subsidiaries of the gateway, of which it was said, `[He] surveys from the windows, peeks from [behind] the cracks [of the shutters].'
"Once those windows were opened, they were allowed, within measure, to remain open through the eras of exile and could not be closed lest the world be annihilated in one moment. When our geula arrives, be it speedily in our time, the closed gateway will be again opened and the windows will not be remembered. The truth is that they have already performed their task and no longer exist. As is written, `There is only one spokesman per generation and not two spokesmen.' Therefore, when the time comes for the gateway to be opened, the windows will be superfluous. The principle here is that `No kingdom touches upon another by even a hairsbreadth.'"