Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

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26 Teves, 5779 - January 3, 2019 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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A Message about Shabbos to Dirshu from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky

By Yechiel Sever

Dirshu sponsors a broad-based project to study the laws of Shabbos. The project recently completed the third volume of the Mishna Berurah. As they are poised to begin the fourth volume, which deals with laws of Shabbos as a continuation of the third volume, they held a gathering. HaRav Chaim Kanievsky sent them a message.

"Throughout the generations, Jews have sacrificed their lives in sanctifying the Shabbos itself and its veneration. The Chofetz Chaim writes in his introduction that it is impossible to observe Shabbos without studying its relevant laws." These words were quoted in his name and in the presence of HaRav Kanievsky at the ceremonious occasion of the siyum of the study of Part Three in the Mishnah Berurah in conjunction with the Daf Hayomi study of Halacha, in anticipation of a Dirshu World Convention which is scheduled to take place in less than two weeks, on Shabbos Parshas Bo at the Continental Hotel in the U.S.

Following is the message of HaRav Kanievsky, delivered by his devotee and disciple, HaRav E. Mann:

Shabbos is the very underpinning of our nation, a fundamental of the Torah. Throughout the ages, Jews have sacrificed their lives, when necessary, to observe Shabbos and upholding its honor. In his introduction, the Chofetz Chaim notes that one cannot properly observe Shabbos without studying its laws. Thus, aside from the actual command to study Torah and the laws of Shabbos, when one reviews these laws, one is verily sustaining Shabbos since one cannot keep Shabbos without studying its relevant halochos.

Beyond this, however, there is another reason: studying the laws of each mitzvah provides a zest for that mitzvah. If so, the very study of Shabbos laws - aside from enabling one to [better] keep it, it has the power to lend an additional flavor and savor to Shabbos.

This is the meaning of the posuk, "To'ameha - those who taste of it are rewarded with life." What does one `taste' here? The flavor of the food? Rather, the taste of Shabbos is in the study of the laws of Shabbos, in absorbing the essence of Shabbos itself; it is this special flavor which enriches a person with life.

Our pride, our master, HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt"l, was accustomed to quote the saying of the Chofetz Chaim that from the time one generally begins his preparations for Shabbos, he is saved from Gehennom after death (as are all those in Gehennom saved from suffering there every Shabbos) even if it is much before the technical start of Shabbos with Tosefes Shabbos. HaRav Aharon Leib commented on this: "I wish to add: Is the study of its laws any less a preparation for Shabbos than material preparations?" He meant to imply that studying about Shabbos can also cause one to be saved in that time from Gehennom after death.

We have here a practical application of the rule that whoever studies hilchos Shabbos is performing the obligation of preparing for it, which thus even has the power of extracting one from Gehennom.

In conclusion, HaRav E. Mann sought to express his esteem to the heads of Dirshu, in the name of Maran. "The gemara states that Rebbi Elozor ben Charsom obligates the wealthy [by his example]. HaRav Dovid [Hofstedter] is an obligating example for this generation. Maran quoted the words of HaRav Aharon Leib who frequently said that we are duty-bound to show appreciation to the philanthropist, Reb Moshe Reichman, who paved a new way in charity giving. The same can be said for Reb Dovid who initiated a revolution in our generation with his powerful activities to increase Torah study, perseverance and knowledge in Torah and toil in Torah. He invested body and soul in disseminating and augmenting it throughout the entire Diaspora.

"His blessing: Torah provides life and blessing. Shabbos Kodesh gives life and blessing since it is the very source of all blessing. And if he has merited to disseminate Torah to such a degree - and Torah is life - and succeeded in aggrandizing Shabbos - that those who taste of it also merit life - may then he, too, be blessed with long life, solid health and success. May he see all of his offspring being talmidei chachomim, yereim ushleimim — devout and wholesome."


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