Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

21 Adar II, 5779 - March 28, 2019 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Election Messages from Gedolei Yisrael

by Yated Staff

An election rally is a gathering of Torah leaders. With the microphone is HaRav Gershon Edelstein. To the right of him is HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, and then HaRav Boruch Povarsky. To the left is HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman and next is HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein.

Elections in Israel are to be held in about 2 weeks. Israeli elections are different from elections in chutz La'aretz, where the rabbonim do not take a stand. In Israel the rabbonim actively speak out in support of the chareidi political parties. Here are recent statements.

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky

In the era preceding the coming of Moshiach, all the powers of the world will become heretical and their sole purpose will be to downgrade and trample upon the Torah by decreeing that Shabbos be violated and Torah study be cast aside, that family purity be eradicated, and [in essence] the entire Torah be uprooted — and they shamelessly declare [their goals] in public.

Now that the Knesset elections are approaching, it is in our power to succeed. We hope and pray to Hashem that we do, in fact, succeed in enhancing His Name. No one must avoid shouldering responsibility from doing his utmost, each according to his power, for so many major Torah issues depend on this. The main thing is to increase prayer and pleading to Hashem that we succeed greatly and create a great showing of Kiddush Hashem, as is written in Sotah 49a, "No one interests himself, no one seeks or asks upon Whom can we rely - if not upon our Father in Heaven!"

HaRav Gershon Edelstein

We must realize that every success is accompanied by Siyata deShmaya, Heavenly assistance. It also depends on merit. Prayer, however, is the greatest form of merit, coupled with the firm belief that everything ultimately and solely lies in the power of Heaven. Only prayer can achieve what is necessary in spirituality.

HaRav Yisroel Salanter said that regarding this ruchniyus, it is tried and tested that prayer helps each one who so aspires to actually gain it. All the more so when this applies to the ruchniyus of the entire community, rather than to merely an individual.

It is therefore important to precede with two pirkei Tehillim: "Mima'amakim," which declares that everything is dependent upon Divine Providence. This is the very first thing a person must know — that everything lies in the power of Heavenly assistance. We must surely do whatever we can but success ultimately rests upon help from Hashem.

We must face reality: Yiddishkeit is faced with grave danger, both spiritually and materially. In the face of this great danger, we must take action that generates merit.

All of our activities geared to winning votes for Gimmel constitute a Kiddush Hashem, really and truly. In voting, we are declaring that Hashem is G-d and that Moshe is true and his Torah is true. This is, in effect, the affirmation of one who casts his ballot for Gimmel. This is a privilege and merit besides being a strong obligation. This is a rare opportunity of creating Kiddush Hashem in such a form.

Not everyone realizes this and many err. They fail to realize to what extent they are duty bound to vote Gimmel or how beneficial it is for the entire community. Sadly, not everyone is aware of this importance which it is why it is so vital for each of us to influence others to the best of our ability.

This assembly is very important. It is a tremendous opportunity for us to see how much we can personally do to affect others. Whoever does so and takes part in making our list successful is surely part of the Kiddush Hashem generated and will surely share in the blessings guaranteed to such activists.


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