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22 Tammuz, 5779 - July 25, 2019 | Mordecai Plaut, director | Mattos(Pinchos)-5779 Published Weekly

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Agudah Urges Comments on New York State Regulations

The New York State Education Department recently published proposed Regulations about "substantial equivalency of instruction" required for students attending non public schools.

This can have severe ramifications for yeshivos and day schools across the board in NYS, so the Agudah issued some answers to common questions they are receiving about this serious development.




The Chazon Ish Said Tear Down the Shul to Build a Mikveh

A special meeting which took place last week for Taharas Hamishpocha was attended by hundreds of rabbonim involved in family purity. The purpose of this annual convention is to enable those rabbonim to upgrade their proficiency and expertise in the laws of mikveh and in the hashkofoh outlook of drawing families to the practice of family purity, all under conditions of leisure so as to recharge the batteries, so to speak, of those involved in day to day activity for the purity of the Jewish people.







The Yahrtzeit of HaRav Shlomo of Karlin is 22 Tammuz

The city of Ludmir in Ukraine is witness to energetic activity in anticipation of the yahrtzeit of the Admor Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin which will took place on Thursday, the 22nd of Tammuz. Public activists have organized this year, with the help of "Oholei Tzaddim", a suitable building to accommodate visitors with lodging, a mikveh and a shul near and visible to the ancient cemetery in Ludmir where the Admor is buried.





A Community in the Caucasus Mountains Returns to Its Roots

On Sunday, the 11th of Tammuz, HaRav Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat, Rosh Yeshivas Ashrei HaIsh, went forth, accompanied by two disciples, HaRav Aharon Razilov and HaRav Zalman Rubin, who officiated in the Pitiagrosk congregation, for a booster visit in that community which lies in the Caucasus region.






The Epoch of the Messiah — Ikvesa DeMeshicha

Part IV


The essay was originally published by R' Elchonon to give perspective on the events of his time, and how they were seen and foreseen by chazal. Although it first appeared in Yiddish in 5699-1939, eighty years ago, its message is still fresh and vital.

Part IV

"In the generation in which the son of David comes, the face of the people will be as that of a dog" (Sotah 49b, Cheilek 97a). It is characteristic of the dog to run before its master, and it might seem that it goes according to its own free will, and its master follows the path set by the dog. In reality we know that the opposite is true; the owner goes where he likes, and the dog, while preceding him, obeys his whim. Should the master choose another direction straight away the dog turns also—and again proceeds to run ahead.






From Our Archives

Who Can Endure the Day of His Coming, and Who Will Withstand His Appearance?

by HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz

The following shmuess was delivered by the Rosh Hayeshiva in Teves of this year. We have brought it to our readers during the Three Weeks because of its timely message.

One of the Thirteen Principles of Faith, which the Rambam established as our basic emunah is: Ani ma'amin bevi'as haMoshiach . . .

Kol Yaakov, Beco'ach Uvehodor: A Voice Of Power And Beauty -- The Life Of HaRav Yaakov Adess, 27th Tammuz 5761, His Thirty-Eighth Yahrtzeit

by Moshe Musman


Inevitably, a picture built from afar of the thriving Torah life of Yerushalayim is composed of images and information that focus upon the largest groupings that dominate communal news, such as the spiritual heirs of the old yishuv, the large chassidic followings or the big yeshivos. Closer acquaintance reveals that such a picture needs adjustment; instead of being made up of a few large forms, it will be more accurately perceived as an impressionist-style mosaic. Numerous other groups exist, some larger, some smaller, which may or may not exist as distinct communal entities but each of which is certainly a distinct piece of the mosaic, making its own contribution to the whole. One such group are the rabbinical families of the Chalabim.

The Jews of Aram Tzovah, or Chalab (Aleppo), in what is today Northern Syria, have a long and distinguished communal history. According to tradition, the community's roots extend to before the building of the First Beis Hamikdosh, and while there was an influx of refugees following the expulsion from Spain, the special spiritual character that typified the community has survived to this day.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005