Hundreds Participate in Arachim's Lecturer Training Courses in Jerusalem and Modiin Ilit
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The Lecturer Training Courses sponsored by Arachim in both Jerusalem and Modi'in Ilit scored a great success, being attended by hundreds of rabbonim, educators and Kiruv workers who expressed their thanks to the organization which arranged them. The courses, it was unanimously agreed, provided their participants with excellent tools for enhancing public speaking and influencing others.
The course, organized by the Guidance Department of Arachim, constituted a two full day seminar featuring well known rabbonim and popular top notch veteran lecturers, among them: Rav Tzvieli Ben Tzur, Rav David Braverman, Rav Simcha Cohen, Rav Aharon Levi, Rav Michael Lasry, Rav Mordechai Neugershal, Rav Daniel Nasi, Rav Tzvi Inbal and other favorites.
The Lecturer Training Course is offered during the several bein hazmanim periods throughout the year, including after yomim tovim. Over the years, some ten thousand rabbonim, elementary level educators, maggidei shiur, menahalim and Kiruv workers from various other organizations have participated in the dozens of courses which have been held.