Insofar as in recent times there has been a proliferation of different kinds of cell phones and palm computers which can be connected to the Internet in whatever manner (iPhone; iPad; Galaxy; Android etc.).
Our Torah leadership has given us the backing to arouse the public that the prohibition which they imposed against non- certified communication devices (cell phones) surely applies to the above which have felled many a victim R"l. In their very words: "The small devices which are capable of linking up to the Internet — possessing these devices is absolutely forbidden." And "There is, therefore, a strict prohibition against possession and use of devices of this type that do not bear the approval of the above Vaadas HaRabbonim."
Subsequently, each and every person is obligated to uphold and not defy this stricture since flouting it can cause severe spiritual danger to a person and his family and even cause damage to the coming generations, as is stated in their letter, "Whoever transgresses this endangers the very sanctity of Beis Yisroel."
This is an opportunity to praise the devotion and consistency of the masses of Torah Jewry who obey the directives of maranan verabbonon with willing heart and soul, and indeed, great is their merit and bountiful is their reward from Heaven.
[More details are available by direct contact with the Vaad.]
May the merit of guarding the sanctity of the Jewish people and adhering to the directions of our Torah leadership reward us with much nachas from our offspring.
Vaadas HaRabbonim LeInyonei Tikshoret — The Rabbinical Committee for Communications