A Letter from Maranan Gedolei Yisroel Shlita, Anticipating the Torah World Rally in the U.S. Against the Havoc of Technology
To Our Jewish Brothers:
It is needless to remind you of the increasingly devastating influence of the Internet and the disastrous problems it has caused within the family unit. Since this problem affects almost all of us, it is imperative to rally together to protect ourselves and counteract the danger. We hope that by combining forces and searching together for solutions we will experience siyata deShmaya to save the many victims. May it be His will that we succeed in rousing the public and preventing many from succumbing to this danger. May Hashem guide us along the right path, the path of Truth. Times demand that the bitul Torah involved is actually the preservation of Torah.
Yeshiva bochurim at kibbutz level and above should participate in the rally.
27th of Nisan, 5772
Aharon Y. Leib Shteinman
All of the above is true and obvious and surely a very weighty, crucial matter, and all are required to participate, including Bnei Torah and talmidei chachomim,
Chaim Kanievsky
Since this subject is one of the most critical ones and threatens the very kedusha of our people, there is no recourse but to eliminate the danger altogether to the best of our ability.
Praying and anticipating Hashem's compassion
Shmuel Halevi Wosner
I, too, join the above
Nissim Karelitz