Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Shevat 5769 - February 5, 2009 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Maran HaRav Eliashiv and the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Shteinman Urge Voters to Go to Polls and Support UTJ

By Yechiel Sever

"Every yirei Hashem should do all he can to increase the honor of Heaven by strengthening the UTJ-Gimmel list," reads a letter written by Maran HaRav Eliashiv in advance of next week's Knesset elections. "And whoever shirks this obligation lends a hand to those who seek to uproot everything."

Large rallies are drawing thousands to hear messages conveyed by gedolei Torah and gedolei Chassidus regarding the holy obligation to vote for and to work to support the UTJ Knesset list.

At the gatherings a krias kodesh by Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita was presented (see text in separate article). A message by the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman shlita, read, "Certainly there is a clear obligation to vote Gimmel, for in doing so one acts to establish the authority of the Torah."

Thousands of Bnei Brak residents turned out for a major elections gathering held at the large beis medrash in Kiryat Vishnitz to promote the UTJ list. The dais was graced by the Admor of Vishnitz, gedolei Torah, roshei yeshivos, roshei kollelim, marbitzei Torah vehoro'oh, dayonim and thousands of avreichim. Moving speeches were given on the obligation and the privilege of working to bring about the success of the UTJ list, which is backed by maranan verabonon, who are calling on the entire chareidi public to unite under the Gimmel banner, the list for yirei'im ledvar Hashem.

HaRav Yisroel Hager, speaking in the presence of his father, the Admor of Vishnitz, quoted remarks by his grandfather, the Ahavas Yisroel zy"o.

"We're facing a difficult campaign and we must act to increase the honor of Heaven," he said. "My grandfather, the Imrei Chaim, once said during the time of the decree to draft girls that although many Jews will go to jail and will make extreme sacrifices, we have to think about that Jew living in a small community in the North who cannot meet the nisoyon and will succumb chas vesholom, sending his daughters to the army, therefore we need many loyal representatives in the Knesset. This is not just about a party, rather it affects the entire existence of Klal Yisroel in Eretz Hakodesh. Every public representative is a representative of the entire public, regardless of background. Responsibility for the public rests on the shoulders of the representatives, who stand at the watch on matters both spiritual and material, for the material is spiritual since it enables us to build and add more benches in botei medrash and botei chinuch. Therefore we have a holy obligation to act and encourage others, to save what can be saved and to help promote the UTJ list. We must not treat the matter lightly, thereby distancing other Jews from a matter close to our hearts."

He finished by offering a "yeshar koach" to Rabbi Shmuel Halpert for 28 years of activity, and to Rabbi Menachem Eliezer Moses, blessing him for success in the challenges before him.

Another elections gathering was held this week at the large beis medrash for Gur Chassidim at which the Gerrer Rebbe called on the thousands of listeners to increase the number of activists promoting the success of UTJ. During the gathering an announcement was made in the name and in the presence of the Gerrer Rebbe: "With the elections drawing near, everybody has an obligation to vote for the Gimmel list and is asked wherever possible to help persuade others to vote Gimmel, and may all of us be blessed with brochoh and hatzlochoh."

Thousands of Belz Chassidim in Jerusalem took part in an elections rally combined with a seudas mitzvah to mark the "day of rescue" of the Admor of Belz and his brother, the Admor of Bilgorei. The event, held at the central Belz complex, was attended by gedolei Torah shlita, members of the Machzikei HaDas Badatz, roshei yeshivos, roshei kollelim, rabbonim, dayonim, public figures and UTJ candidates.

The gathering marked the miraculous resurrection 65 years ago of Belz Chassidus in Eretz Hakodesh. Afterwards the Belzer Rebbe's decision was presented regarding the obligation to participate in the elections in order to strengthen Yiddishkeit and Jewish education in Eretz Yisroel.

Speeches were given by HaRav Pinchos Friedman, head of Belz kollelim in Eretz Hakodesh, HaRav Menashe Reisman and R' Mordechai Webber, the chairman of the Forum of Representatives of Chassidei Belz and the Rebbe's shamash.

UTJ candidate Rabbi Yisroel Eichler also spoke, focusing on the difficulties chareidi Jewry currently faces as well as the danger to the Torah world, which was built through the strength and merit of gedolei Torah, who invested great efforts into Torah and educational institutions throughout Eretz Yisroel. On Election Day, he said, hanging in the balance is the fate of hundreds of thousands of children in the chareidi education system as well as young couples in need of housing and kollel families whose minimal subsistence is being further reduced by the world economic crisis.


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