Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

15 Kiselv 5767 - December 6, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

by Hinde Gordon

Winter has gone, Pesach has gone, your brother, Yaakov, has gone.
And so have you gone -
But you went to a world of emptiness and destruction,
A world without Hashem, a world without Torah, a void.

You, Eisov, my son, son of a pure father, my oldest son,
Arrogant, charismatic, powerful, a hunter, a murderer, a liar.
A body filled with physicality and a desiccated, starving soul.
A brilliant mind, filled with mindless lusts, strategies, violence.
What happened, my son? Where did your purity go? Was it ever there?

The world is aglow with Torah, life and the presence of Hashem,
Winter and summer, rain and dew, birth and renewal,
All the gifts from Him, our Creator, our Sustainer, our King.
Gifts for us, your father and me, and Yaakov, but not for you.
You did not, do not, want Hashem, His Torah, His world.
We chose the promise of freedom fulfilled, true freedom,
Freedom to serve Him with awe, love, purity.
But not you. You chose otherwise. You are self-served, not servant.

We are free, free from the chains of passion, desire, greed,
Free from chasing the glitter that looks like gold
But is dirt, lies, emptiness in a world without Hashem.
We soar with our feet on earth; we are free.
You are a slave to the darkness.
We are alive and vibrant.
You are trapped and deadened in a world of your making.

You brought evil into our home,
Polluting it with the stench of idol worship,
Love of yourself displacing love of Hashem,
Unspeakable filth displacing the purity of Torah life,
Sowing seeds of destruction in the physical world
As well as in the world beyond us, the world of the spirit.

Do you think I hate you, do not love you,
I, who bore you and pray for you, I, who weep for you,
I, who am afraid for you and of you? Do I not love you?

Farewell, until you pull the door wide open
And stand in the sunlight,
The door that you closed,
The door to life here and, from here, to eternity.

Feel the cold in the winter and the warmth in the summer,
Feel the radiance, the pulsation of life with Hashem.
Move from darkness to light, from curse to blessing,
From death to life.
But now, Farewell, my son.

Good-bye, Eisov, I grieve for you and for me,
For your loss and for our loss.
I will wait for you and pray for you until you return,
As Hashem always waits for us to return.
And then we will rejoice with you as He rejoices with us
Whenever we return.

Good-bye, Eisov, farewell, my son, please come back,
Before it is too late for you and me,
Before the years of emptiness, violence, waste pile up,
Before the sins pile up, before you must give your final account
And be judged forever by Him, the One,
Who is our Creator, our Sustainer, our King, our Judge.

I love you, my son, please come home.
Home to Hashem, to me, and to your father.
We are waiting.


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