Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Teves 5766 - January 11, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Director, Emergency Services, Bikur Cholim Hospital

A few clarifications. In a previous column I referred to zucchini and pea pods. I am sorry for forgetting about my British and Australian readers: zucchini in the UK is a courgette, and pea pods — also known as snow peas in the USA — are mangetouts.

Another clarification. Someone said that Optalgin is not an anti-inflammatory. However, Martindale — the international drug compendium — does list this as an early NSAID. Prescriber's Newsletter confirms this. If it is a NSAID, it does reduce inflammation, although we are not sure that is a good thing. If you still disagree then call me.

Cancer needs very toxic therapies to cure it, and sometimes there are residual effects. Some chemotherapy regimens can leave heart damage. Some radiation therapies can leave nerves and bowel seriously affected. It thus pays to know which chemotherapies have a high rate of success. We do know that chemo for Hodgkin's is very successful in curing the disease, while the therapy for pancreatic cancer is usually not too effective.

We were asked about chronic cough. Here are some pointers. Cough is always present for a few weeks to months after a pneumonia, and bronchitis as well. Other causes can be pertussis, which is also known as whooping cough. This is being reported more often in adults. Asthma, smoker's hack and poor heart function are other causes of cough. Reflux of gastric juices, and post nasal drip are also causes.

Many cough remedies do not work. Solves, Bromohexine, codeine, dextromethorphan are all a waste of your money. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, your best bets are the first generation antihistamines (in Israel — Broncholate), the bronchodilators (Ventolin) and NSAIDs (Naxyn, etc.). Please cover your mouth when you cough, and wash your hands frequently. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. We already mentioned Ventolin. This medication is well accepted and safe. It is by far the most widely used bronchodilator in the USA and the world. It is used not only as an inhalation treatment in the emergency department but also in an inhaler for home use. It works well and has years of use to prove it.


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