Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Av 5766 - July 26, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Help! I'm Drowning!
by E. M.

Now that summer has arrived, you're planning to just sit back with your feet up and a cool glass of lemonade at your elbows. You can sip your lemonade and R-E-L-A-X.

But NO! You've forgotten! There's loads of work to do. All that junk that's accumulated and just waiting for you, begging for your attention. All those papers you've saved, the tests you've taken and the notes you've written. Invitations, old books, newspapers and clothing are just a few of the items you'll need to tackle. And the pile of junk will keep on growing.

What?! How on earth did we manage to amass so much junk in the past year(s)? What in the world is going on here? Why can't we manage to just throw out our papers like so many other people manage to do? Why do we have to get stuck with all this junk? Yes. It's junk. Not all of it, of course, but most of it.

I suppose many of the readers have this problem and are drowning in an endless sea of papers.

Let's get to the root of this problem!

Firstly, we get too attached to our papers. Once something is in our possession, it becomes dear to us. Therefore, it is difficult for us to part with that article.

Secondly, we're constantly pondering; maybe this item will be useful in the future. If I discard it, I might later come to regret that action. There are so many things that I just might need, like the clothes that might come back in style, or maybe we can use it for costumes or for dressing up. The possibilities are endless. The notes I've collected might help me one day, I might teach that subject. There are a million and one other articles that right now aren't useful, but maybe one day??

You must agree with me. It is a problem. A BIG problem. If this is the situation now, what will be in a few years from now? Now, I just have my own items to deal with. In a few years, it will also include my husband and children's baggage. And you all know how it is with children. Every day they bring home another handiwork or project that they've made; if it's precious to them, then it's definitely precious to me. How in the world will we part with all that "junk"? (Mothers, I apologize for the term I'm using). Educators always caution about throwing away our children's handiwork in their presence or if they'll be able to see it in the garbage can. We must compliment them on their handiwork (even if it's really junk!)

So we continue to collectåÌ and collect. We must come to the conclusion that we do NOT have room for all that junk. Our space is limited.

Now that we're familiar with the problem and its consequences, we must try to reach a solution to this never- ending daily problem. What must one do? How do you get rid of all (or at least some) of your junk?

Someone once gave the following suggestion: If you don't use something within the next three months — throw it out! This is a good piece of advice. But what if we're talking about toys you'll use in the future or clothes you might one day give to your sister, children or grandchildren. Then what?

I've been thinking about this problem a lot, but guess what? I haven't come up with any GOOD solutions yet. Some suggestions I've come up with so far are as follows: Get someone else to clear my stuff. This solves the problem of not being attached to the possessions, but there's a bigger problem — they might just discard important documents of mine! Another solution is not cleaning up at all! You might like this one but it certainly won't solve your problem.

Obviously, you need to sift and sort through your things, using your head. Try to detach your emotions a bit. Ask yourself: Will I really use this? Is anyone ever going to wear this, or is it just going to sit in the closet for the next ten years collecting dust? Is this item important/ practical/ useful?

You don't need to throw everything out. There are plenty of Gemachs out there that take old clothes, toys etc (in good condition). If you're going to get rid of something, why not give it to a Gemach so that others can enjoy it?

The items that are really junky, not useful- just throw them out! As long as it's not baal tashchis, don't have any qualms about doing so. The items you deem important, save, enjoy, hopefully you will use them in the (near) future.

It's quite easy to write this, but quite difficult to implement. Despite all this, this is one of our tasks, therefore, do it happily, with a cheerful attitude. Make it your summer project!

So what are you waiting for? Just roll up your sleeves and get to work! Happy cleaning!

(P.S. Any other solutions to this problem will be greatly appreciated.)


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