Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

16 Shevat 5765 - January 26, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Director, Emergency Services, Bikur Cholim Hospital

One of our correspondents asks: How much sleep is required? This varies according to the individual. Some people can function on very little and others need more. The average is seven hours, but babies and teenage girls are the ones who sleep the most. Sleep quality goes down as one ages, so many elderly people need help going to sleep or they sleep in the middle of the day to make up for losses at night.

I was also asked if weight lifting reduces cholesterol more than walking. The answer is no. Weight lifting will increase muscle mass — even in females — and will build strength but not endurance. Nor is it the type of exercise that helps the heart.

Weight loss reduces high blood pressure. I am asked if it makes a difference if it is through exercise or dieting. No, it doesn't, but exercise will build a healthy heart. So try to do both.

I am asked to speak about heart murmurs. This is simply a noise that comes from the blood moving over a defective valve. There are four valves in the heart. The ones on the left side of the heart are called the mitral and aortic valves. The former is the valve between the upper chamber of the heart and the second is the valve at the outlet of the heart to the rest of the body. These two are the most commonly affected by disease, and the disease usually comes in two forms: a valve that does not close completely or a valve that becomes stuck and doesn't open completely. The former is called regurgitation, the latter stenosis. They make characteristic noise on exam and obviously can affect the functioning of the body by the way the blood is distributed.

If there is a leaky valve, some of the blood will fall back into the heart and not get circulated. If there is a sticky valve, only a small portion of blood will leave the heart, and backup may occur. Valves can be broken open, or even completely replaced by valves made of metal or of animal — most commonly pig. This second kind of valve — while made from pigs — require no blood thinning, so they may be safer.

Young women often have benign murmurs. Also, bad valves can get infected, and this is not a good situation. Valves can be best evaluated through an echocardiagram or cardiac catheterization.

Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Now is the time for cold viruses and these can affect the lips with painful ulcers. Zovirax cream can help. If shingles is a problem, Zovirax pills will help clear this up fast. For kids with chicken pox, there is a Zovirax syrup to help chicken pox go away fast. Want to make sure they do not get chicken pox? Think about the immunization. All from Glaxo.


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