Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Teves 5765 - December 15, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Daf Yomi Learners to Study Two Halochos at End of Every Shiur

By Betzalel Kahn

Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita announced that Daf Yomi participants in Eretz Yisroel and the rest of the world should study two practical halochos at the end of every Daf Yomi shiur. The announcement was made to rabbonim, roshei yeshivos, maggidei shiurim and heads of Meoros HaDaf HaYomi gathered at HaRav Eliashiv's home.

"There is no need to explain the great advantage of Torah study in general and Torah study berabbim in particular," said HaRav Yosef Efrati, relating HaRav Eliashiv's message at the beginning of the meeting. "When Maran HaRav Meir Shapira zt"l instituted the study of the Daf Yomi at the Knessia Gedoloh he eloquently described how every Jew around the world would study the same daf, and when a Jew from one land met a Jew at the train station arriving from the other side of the world they would have something in common: the Daf Yomi.

"Today, through the shiurim, baalei batim connect to the Torah, not as in the past when they had already learned it and were basically reviewing. In our generation we are speaking of people who did not learn Torah at all previously, and in the merit of the Daf Yomi shiur they are bound with cords of love to the Torah. In ruchniyus one must always improve. One of the main areas of Torah study, of the levels of Torah study, is the requirement to study with all one's strength and ability and the matter of godol limud shemeivi liyedei ma'aseh. One of the major shortcomings of the Daf Yomi, particularly among baalei batim, is that it does not include practical halochoh. Of course they come to the shiur with mesirus nefesh and through this they connect to the Torah, but what remains with them after the shiur, what knowledge of halochoh lema'aseh?

"The talmidei chachomim seated here who arrived from HaRav Chaim Dovid Kovalsky's Meoros HaDaf HaYomi beis medrash propose not imposing a heavy load on baalei batim, but rather suggesting to them that after studying the Daf Yomi they [spend a few more minutes] studying two practical halochos and no more. Maran shlita says the holy tzibbur gathered here has the ability to accomplish this. Just as you brought in baalei batim through your persevering efforts to prepare the shiur and deliver it eloquently, you are capable of rising up another level so that these same cherished Jews, the shiur participants, leave the shiur with two halochos in hand every day, which will make them want, `to learn and teach' and in turn, `to keep and do.'"

HaRav Eliashiv, who answered questions posed by the maggidei shiurim, said that the primary focus would be placed on day-to-day halochos every Jew should know—"es haderech asher yeleichu boh ve'es hama'aseh asher ya'asune." HaRav Meir Shapira's original proclamation should not be altered, he said. Therefore time should not be taken away from the study of the dafal tig'u bemeshichai. "He who learns halochoh is able to carry it out," added Maran. "Of course the reward for Torah study is very great, even gemoras one does not understand, and one who learns is promised Gan Eden. But there must also be the element of, `hama'aseh asher ya'asune.'"

The new arrangement will be implemented when the new Daf Yomi cycle begins with the study of maseches Brochos at the beginning of Adar II. Meoros HaDaf HaYomi is preparing a schedule showing the two halochos to be studied as well as a halochoh booklet for maggidei shiurim.


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