Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Teves 5765 - December 22, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Director, Emergency Services, Bikur Cholim Hospital

Some things have come up.

Recently there is a new product out that advertises itself as a replacement for chocolate spread since it combines chocolate and cheese flavor. This type of food can result in a fat kid with no teeth and early heart disease.

An interesting article appeared in the journal called Spine that was done in Israel. Youngsters can develop low back pain that will plague them throughout their adult years. This survey indicated that school furniture is not designed for the growing kid and often puts undo strain on the backs of kids. Furthermore, many kids get no physical activity at recess or have no exercise activities or physical education at school. In addition, many younger kids have backpacks that are more than 15 percent of their weight. If you weigh 150 pounds as an adult (that is 75 kilo give or take) then this is like walking around with 22.5 pounds on your back (11 kilo) — ouch.

We can help by making sure our children get the physical activity they so vitally need and making sure they do not have to walk around with such loaded backpacks.

I am answering more questions sent to me:

The most common food allergy remains nuts, specifically peanuts. Treatments remain antihistamines, and steroids in more severe cases. Adrenalin is reserved for the very severe cases where there is a shortness of breath. Most people at risk know they have a possibility of this problem, either due to past experience or close relatives with the same.

Polyps in the nose and sinuses are very common. They can be shrunken or removed, but aside from frequent sniffling and snoring, they cause few problems. They may make upper respiratory problems more difficult to deal with and more frequent. They are easily diagnosed through looking in the nose or with a CT of the sinuses.

Birthmarks can be dangerous. They are what most people call moles. Black ones are the most dangerous and they must be carefully followed by a skin doctor. The concern here is melanoma, a skin cancer which is vicious. It is more common in light-skinned people and those who get lot of UV exposure, such as North Americans who come to live here. Fortunately, awareness on this subject is high now, and tanning salons, reflectors and sunlight are recognized dangers.

Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Zofran is the most powerful anti-vomiting product available and it works, unquestionably. It costs more than Pramin, but often one pill can control the vomiting completely.


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