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It seems to me that the past is not of the past. It has never
really passed us by because in some measure, it always
remains with us. It is a part of our lives of whose presence
we are continually aware. At every moment of our lives -- our
past is here.
Forty-two years have passed since the day that my husband,
the gaon HaRav Leib Malin zt'l, departed from
Every year, attempts are made to record something in his
memory, to portray his character, his life and his deeds. And
amazingly, there is always a problem. There are no "stories."
A great man without "stories" -- is it possible? Yet, that is
indeed the truth.
His was a wondrous character that is difficult to describe
because it defies description.
Reb Leib was a man who lived and breathed the spirit of the
pillars of Torah and mussar [of the past generation].
His entire way of life revolved around toil in Torah. This --
and nothing else -- preoccupied him and was the driving force
behind everything that he did. To him, the essence of Torah
and its defining feature was "there is nothing besides." [It
is all inclusive and therefore all exclusive.]
In his introduction to the first part of Hatevunoh he
writes, "If even the greatest man has not been deeply
involved in Torah study at every moment, if the finest
conduit within him is empty of Torah, he enters a general
state of bittul Torah . . . . Torah's essence is that
it has no interruption; there are no difficult circumstances
that can interrupt it. By nature, it never stops. If it is
interrupted by some problem, no matter what kind, it is not
In one of his letters, the Chazon Ish zt'l, writes,
"Knowledge of Torah does not represent the expounding of a
single, isolated aspect of human life for didn't Chazal say,
`Divrei Torah are only to be found with someone who puts
himself to death over them?' The `death' referred to here
denotes the movement away from a superficial grasp of life to
an appreciation of the profundity of life [and comprehension]
of life's innermost content. Such `death' revitalizes its
owners and divrei Torah remain with them."
All this constituted the kernel of Reb Leib's teachings and
was the essence of his life.
In the world, both natural beauty and spiritual beauty can be
encountered. In developing novel Torah ideas, a person
constructs a beautiful and glorious spiritual edifice. That
was his nature and his life's goal -- to erect an edifice of
Torah in its full beauty.
The Maharal writes, "There is a difference between the
holiness of Yisroel and that of the nations. The holiness of
Yisroel is collective, while that of the nations is
individual. In the same way, there exist private, individual
souls and collective souls that feel responsibility and are
inspired to shoulder the common burden."
A Torah personality feels that he belongs to the collective
group, not to his own, private self. This quality could be
discerned in Reb Leib throughout his life, both in the old
Yeshivas Mir and when he was in Lithuania at the height of
the dreadful war. The moment that an avenue of deliverance
opened up, he knew no rest and urged the rest of the group to
lose no time in nervous dithering from giving in their papers
in order to obtain a visa and escape from their place of
approaching danger.
This characteristic of concern and responsibility towards
others was apparent at all times and in every situation. In
Shanghai, he was one of the pivotal figures in maintaining
contact, by letter and telegram, with those who were working
to save the yeshiva and deliver it from its exile. All this
can be ascribed to "collective holiness."
In 1947 (5747) they left Shanghai and reached America.
In order to continue writing about Reb Leib, I must recall
those days. That year, 5707 (1947), we were living in Tel
Aviv. My brother-in-law the gaon HaRav Dovid Povarsky
zt'l, rosh yeshivas Ponovezh, and his family also
lived with us after having managed to escape from Lithuania
in 5701 (1941).
After my father, the gaon and tzaddik HaRav Dovid Dov Halevi
Kreiser zt'l, was niftar in 5691 (1931), my
brother-in-law filled his position as a father figure. As was
his wont, Reb Dovid was not a man of many words and he
sometimes surprised me with the steps that he took. I did not
fully understand his reasoning or grasp his plans beforehand.
Over the years, I became used to this conduct.
[One day] in Av 5707, upon returning home from my work as a
Bais Yaakov teacher, Reb Dovid handed me a sefer --
Hatevunoh part one -- which had just been published
and, without any further explanation, asked me to read the
introduction. I read it once and then read it again to
understand it better. I looked for the author's name and
couldn't find it. My first question to my brother-in-law was
who had written it?
Without any ado he told me that it had been written by Reb
Leib Malin and then he added, "And you are going to America .
. ." I learned a little from Hatevunoh about the man
that I was going to meet.
In the meantime, Av came to an end and Elul arrived. One
Friday, two weeks before Rosh Hashanah when I returned from
work, my brother-in-law, Reb Dovid informed me that I would
be setting out on Sunday by boat for the United States.
Without any earlier preparation, I had to ready myself for a
hasty departure. It should be borne in mind that the
situation in Eretz Yisroel was extremely tense at that time.
Tel Aviv was subject to a nighttime curfew, during which it
was dangerous to leave one's house. I had to prepare for a
journey and it was almost Shabbos! I had hoped to spend the
Yomim Tovim with my family but Hashgochoh
planned otherwise.
I set sail as planned on Sunday morning for the United States
aboard a U.S. Navy vessel that had served in the Second World
On the second day of Rosh Hashanah we arrived in New York and
after Yom Tov was over I disembarked.
On Asoroh BeTeves 5708 (1948) we became engaged and in Adar
II we were married.
A short time later, a meeting was held in our home and that
day, Beis Hatalmud was established.
I heard it said that when Reb Leib arrived in America, the
gaon HaRav Avraham Kalmanovitz proposed that he join Yeshivas
Mir as a rosh yeshiva and that HaRav Moshe Feinstein had also
offered him a position as a rosh yeshiva in his yeshiva,
Tiferes Yerusholayim, but that Reb Leib, feeling a broader
responsibility, had turned these offers down. He had other
thoughts and other plans.
Beis Hatalmud started out with a group of ten. They were (in
alphabetical order), Rav Sholom Menashe Gottleib, Rav Leizer
Horodzhesky, Rav Levi Krupenia, Rav Aryeh Leib Malin, Rav
Binyomin Paler, Rav Yisroel Perkowsky, Rav Leib Shachar, Rav
Betzalel Tannenbaum, Rav Shmuel Wilensky and Rav Chaim
This group was the living core that served as the foundation
of Beis Hatalmud. I had the merit to meet bnei Torah
who bore the imprint of the old Yeshivas Mir. This was
evident in their conversation, in their conduct and in their
deeds. In founding Beis Hatalmud, Reb Leib hoped to blend the
Torah and mussar paths of Volozhin, Kelm and Mir.
These men were Torah princes who carried blood-soaked
memories of the dreadful war with them. They had lost their
families and all that they held dear. It took strength and
determination to bear the burden of their pain and grief.
However, they did not swerve from their customary conduct and
they remained firmly bound together as a group, occupying
themselves with Torah and mussar.
The principle that "all beginnings are difficult" certainly
applied to Beis Hatalmud. There were several problems to
start with, such as finding a place to learn etc. In the end
they found a beis hamedrash belonging to Polish
chassidim in Crown Heights.
Our apartment was small but it had a roofed balcony and this
was designated as the yeshiva's office. I became the first
secretary, on a voluntary basis and I received another job at
the same time, as distributor of the second issue of
Hatevunoh to the bnei hayeshivos. I was working
more than full time - - but I never looked at the clock.
After a time, they managed to buy a smallish two-story
building and the yeshiva moved there. Young bnei Torah
joined and the sound of fiery, intense Torah study could
be heard. Beis Hatalmud became a great center of Torah and
yir'oh, spurring Torah's growth and heightening its
Dealing with the financial aspects of running the yeshiva lay
beyond Reb Leib's sphere of interest and he delegated this
work to others. Just as he had no interest in money, it
seemed to have no interest in him. However, he held himself
responsible for ensuring that all incoming funds were from
clean and untainted sources. He was most scrupulous about
It happened on more than one occasion that, standing next to
him in the office, I felt my own smallness and my imperfect
grasp of the tremendous trial involved in letting an
opportunity to ease the difficult material conditions pass
by. He was undaunted though. This was one area in which his
particularity showed -- in everything connected with
There are different types of particularity. Reb Leib did not
suffer laziness and excuses and he saw to it that the times
for prayer and learning were adhered to. However, his
particularity did not interfere with his feelings. He shared
the joy of the other members of the group and also their
pain. One could often sense the emotions that filled his
In the evenings, following the day's exertions, sometimes he
could not return to the yeshiva. On those occasions, he would
sit and learn mussar in the familiar, ancient melody,
which had the power to transport the listener to a world of
beauty, consolation and tranquility. That melody echoes in my
ears to this day and I still long to hear it.
The inner essence of a man who has worked to perfect himself
is discernible in his eyes and in all that he does. The Torah
within him illuminates his eyes and face. All Reb Leib's
efforts and determination and all his accomplishments in
Torah and yiras Shomayim never prevented him from
finding the time to ease someone else's distress and, sadly,
this was necessary more than once.
I remember Shabbos nights when he was called away in the
middle of the meal to the home of a neighbor who answered the
telephone, to speak to a patient in hospital who wanted his
help with some matter that was preying on his mind. He lived
in such great closeness to the members of the group and he
had time and attention for those of them who experienced
distress and who went through painful and stormy times. They
saw him as the only one who could extend the required
When one of the greatest members of the group, Reb Leib
Shachar who had been Reb Leib's right hand, became seriously
ill, Reb Leib's devotion to him was superhuman. He did
everything possible to save him and to annul the decree but
Heaven had determined otherwise.
It also happened that Reb Shmuel Wilensky (Charkover) was
hospitalized and his conversations with Reb Leib are
difficult to describe.
As usual, Reb Leib utterly devoted himself to his sick
friend's welfare. He didn't return home from the yeshiva for
a meal or to rest, instead spending hours in the hospital.
There was only one thing I could do -- travel to the hospital
with his lunch to revive him.
After Reb Shmuel's petiroh, Reb Leib's own health
began to suffer. He grew weaker and he began to feel pains in
his heart. Despite everything though, he did not rest for he
wanted to realize his heart's desire of building a sort of
complex for the yeshiva. A plot of land was obtained for this
purpose and a way of financing the project had to be
I accompanied Reb Leib to the architect, so that he would
prepare a model of the yeshiva's future building. On that
Thursday, a meeting was arranged in beis haknesses
Ohev Tzedek in Manhattan, whose rabbi was my cousin,
Rabbi Tuvia Adams. He admired Reb Leib highly and tried to
help him as much as he could. Reb Shabsai Fraenkel took part
in the meeting, as did Reb Chaim Wysoker. Reb Chaim arrived a
little late because he had been in the office helping with
the preparations for the yeshiva's annual dinner which was
supposed to take place on motzei Shabbos.
Then, in the middle of the discussion, Reb Leib collapsed and
returned his soul to the Creator.
The large picture with the drawing of the Beis Hatalmud
building remained forlornly on a wall in our apartment.
Subsequently, they bought the Kalever Rebbe's building in
Bensonhurst. The office moved there and I went to live
In the above lines, I have briefly sketched the background of
that time in Reb Leib's life and have tried to convey the
atmosphere of the times, his approach and his goals. He felt
that he had a responsibility to realize his heart's ambition
of recreating an edifice that had once existed and that was
no longer. Together with the other members of his group, he
wanted to build a mokom Torah and take up anew the
same path of Torah study and mussar as it had once
been. The light of Torah illuminated his spirit and shaped
his world in the most uplifting and exalted manner and he was
full of will and energy to attain his holy goal.
In closing, it is fitting to mention the lament of the novi
Yirmiyohu: "How has gold dimmed, holy stones are spilled at
the entrance to every courtyard" (Eichah 4:1-2). A
craftsman can create a beautiful vessel out of clay but if it
smashes, all that is left are worthless shards of pottery. By
contrast, if someone takes a golden crown that is inlaid with
precious stones and he smashes it, the stones retain their
beauty and glitter. The great men of Yerushalayim were like
precious stones. Even when they were cast to the ground,
their radiance was not affected in the slightest.
That is how Reb Leib eulogized the Alter of Kelm. The very
same thing can be said about him zt'l. There are very
few, select individuals who are like precious stones, which
continue to sparkle and gleam even after their departure.
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