& Comment
Challenges of the Modern World: Purim Vanquishes Science
What is a cold world? It is a world of isolation and
disconnectedness, a world in which there is nothing that
connects different points in space nor different instants in
time. Everything is, but it might not be. You might be here
and you might not be here. Your friend might be here today
but gone tomorrow -- and for no reason. Whatever is gone, is
completely finished, dead and done with. Underlying the whole
universe is nothing but blind chance. It is all true, but
whatever appears alive is only an illusion, a living mask
that mimics what life might be like but is really nothing
more than cleverly cobbled together chemical and physical
processes. Welcome to the world of modern science.
What is a warm world? It is a world of wholeness and unity, a
world in which every point is there as part of a plan and
every instant is progress towards a goal that was set out in
advance. All are part of the plan and all work towards the
final goal. You are here because you must be here to fulfill
the plan and to advance towards the goal. If you friend is
gone tomorrow, it is for the best. Death does not kill the
essence and the soul of the person. Underlying the whole
universe is a thinking, loving, living G-d. All life is truly
animated by sparks that originate in Him. All the complex and
wonderful physics and chemistry of the physical world
parallel and proclaim the true life force that pulsates
throughout the universe, starting from its Divine source,
running according to Divine plans and moving steadily to the
Divine goal. Welcome to reality.
What do we remember about Amolek? Asher korecho
baderech (Devorim 26:18) -- who attacked you with
coldness and chance while you were on the path of Hashem
towards the Torah and the realization of the purpose of
Creation. After the heightened excitement of Krias Yam Suf,
when it became so obvious to the whole world that Hashem
dominates the universe and is leading Am Yisroel along the
path He blazes, Amolek came and cooled things down.
We can no longer identify individuals from Amolek, but their
spirit is everywhere today. Cold space. A mechanical world.
Blind fate. A world that runs on its own, based on "laws of
nature" without any ultimate underlying intelligence or
purpose, a dead world without any good or evil, since that is
beyond the boundary of scientific discourse.
This is the "working hypothesis" of modern science, which
many people accept as the working hypothesis for their own
lives as well. This is the world of most of the Western
communication media as well, and cooling off one's zest for
life from this frigid Amolek perspective is one of the
serious risks that come from exposure to Western newspapers,
radio, Internet and whatever else.
The public review of the story of Purim is surely an
important means to counteract the Amolek atmosphere of the
whole year. When we see in the Megilloh how events
spread over more than a decade are all arranged by
Hashgochoh to save the Jewish people and also to
destroy Amolek, it inspires the confidence that all history
is so guided. The warmth of the family Purim feast modulated
by the simchah and the wine, is the conclusive and
final eradication of the iciness of Amolek, to help us feel
the true warmth of the universe that is charged with total
purposiveness of Hashem's creation that surrounds us
throughout the year.
A warm and freilich Purim.
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