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Part I
Last year on 22 Adar, Rabbi Aharon Paperman z"l, well-
known rov, mechanech, orator, and fundraiser for Torah
institutions was niftar. His long and productive life
was dedicated to promoting the growth and development of
Torah and Yiddishkeit on the American and Israeli
Who was this multifaceted man who touched so many people in
all walks of life and of all ages and left a lifelong
impression on each of them?
What caused him to be loved and respected by all who knew him
-- even if they did not necessarily agree with his ideals?
At his levaya in Yerushalayim the maspidim
spoke of R' Aharon's mesiras nefesh for Torah, his
love for and diligence in Torah study, and his middoh
of yashrus that personified him throughout his
lifetime. These traits were evident wherever he was, in
whatever role he played. He did not follow the crowd. He
followed the Torah guidelines which he knew existed for every
He had an engaging and magnetic personality and a smile that
warmed every heart. It was no wonder that whoever knew R'
Aharon felt a close, personal connection to him.
Wherever R' Aharon went, in whatever capacity he served, he
always reached out to the individual. He took a profound
interest in each and every person, to the extent that each
person felt a close connection to him.
During the war years, stationed in Italy with the 54th Army,
he profoundly affected Jewish soldiers of all convictions and
gained the respect of the non-Jewish officers and chaplains.
This was due to his sincerity and his ability to empathize
with them.
He blended his American upbringing, his athletic skills and
his secular knowledge together with his Torah values and
proved that these values need not be compromised even in war-
torn Italy. He instilled in people the importance of studying
Torah and the rewards of supporting Torah institutions -- not
only the one which he represented. He imbued his congregants
with the concept and beauty of giving tzedokoh, shemiras
Shabbos, chesed, and all mitzvos of the Torah. He showed
them that keeping the Torah was not a burden but a zchus
that enhances our lives.
In the course of his fundraising years, R' Aharon forged many
personal ties with the donors. When he approached people for
money, he befriended them and gently educated them to an
appreciation of Torah Yiddishkeit. He was always
genial but never deviated from his hashkofos. Even
people who did not follow his approach to Yiddishkeit
appreciated his sincerity. Many people gave donations because
of the person who requested rather than the institution --
because they trusted and respected him. As Rabbi Henoch Cohen
of Chinuch Atzmai stated: "He was not a fundraiser; he was an
Ambassador for Torah." The sums he raised were truly of
secondary importance.
Rabbi Berel Wein wrote about him: "People loved him, admired
his personality, laughed at his stories . . . and willingly
gave him money for the purpose of strengthening Torah in
America. Rabbi Paperman was always laid-back in his approach
to people and to his job. There was never any pressure, any
hard sell. It was only friendship, warmth, good humor and
nobility of character and sincerity of purpose that emanated
from him."
Early Years
R' Aharon's affinity for a spiritual existence was deep-
rooted. His father R' Wolfe came to America from the Ukraine
at the turn of the century to escape the terrible pogroms and
the poverty.
He refused to succumb to the prevailing spiritual mores of
the times. For twelve years, he traveled from city to city
earning a living as a chazzan (his occupation in
Europe) rather than earning more by compromising his Shabbos.
Every Shabbos morning, he rose early and recited the entire
sefer Tehillim before davening.
He finally saved enough money to bring his wife Shaindel and
their two children to America. After a brief sojourn in New
York City, where R' Aharon was born on 20 Teves 5674 (January
17, 1914), R' Wolfe moved with his family to Baltimore,
Maryland, then considered the "Yerushalayim of America." He
continued traveling the country to earn his meager living,
but felt secure in the knowledge that his children were
getting the best Jewish education in the best available
R' Aharon's mother Shaindel, daughter of R' Yisroel Yehudah
Perlstein a respected talmid chochom, was well-known
as a pure, G-d-fearing woman. The kashrus in her house
was trusted by many great rabbonim and roshei yeshiva
who came from overseas and stayed with the Paperman
When R' Aharon later at the age of 17 wanted to travel to
Europe to continue his Torah studies, she acquiesced even
though it was difficult for her to send her son so far away.
She understood that it was necessary for his growth in Torah
and yiras Shomayim.
In Baltimore the family joined the prestigious Shomrei
Mishmeres Shul where R' Wolfe became the chazzan,
whose rov was the well-known Rav Avrohom Nachman Schwartz
zt"l. Thus began a long and close relationship between
the two families. HaRav Schwartz exerted a positive influence
on the whole family and especially on the young Aharon as he
grew up. Ultimately, R' Aharon was to become his son-in-law,
albeit after HaRav Schwartz's petiroh.
The young Aharon attended the Hebrew Parochial School --
today known as the Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim/Talmudical Academy
of Baltimore -- founded in 1917 by Rav Schwartz with four
students. He proved to be an outstanding student in both his
Torah and secular studies. His outgoing, charismatic
personality made him very popular among the students as did
his prowess on the sports field. However, his heart guided
him to pursue a spiritual existence.
At R' Aharon's bar mitzvah, the renowned HaRav Meir Shapira,
founder and rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin,
was present. He was visiting the United States to raise funds
for his yeshiva. HaRav Shapira was so impressed with R'
Aharon's droshoh that he exclaimed that, although the
rule was not to accept any student into his yeshiva who
didn't know 200 daf by heart, for this bochur
he would waive the requirement!
The full-time Parochial School ended after sixth grade and
the boys attended public school for Junior and Senior High
School for most of the day. After their secular studies
classes, they attended limudei kodesh classes in the
Parochial School for 3-4 hours each day.
R' Aharon cut short his high school education and, due to his
intense desire to immerse himself in his Torah studies, left
home for New York to study in Yeshivas R' Yitzchok Elchonon.
There he found a group of outstanding young scholars -- some
from Baltimore -- who had a very strong influence on him.
These older bochurim, among them -- R' Avigdor Miller,
R' Yehuda Davis, R' Mordechai Yoffee, R' Nosson Wachtfogel,
zecher tzadikim livrochoh and HaRav Chaim Pinchas
Scheinberg shlita -- were his role models who fostered
his quest for growth in Torah and yiras Shomayim.
His chosen path was not the accepted norm in those years, and
the support and guidance of these older bochurim was
extremely helpful to reinforcing his commitment. Most
American teens strove for excellence in secular studies in
order to attend university or to follow other paths to
material success. Aharon's desire, however, was to succeed in
growing spiritually and to excel in Torah studies and a Torah-
true way of life.
After a short stay at Yeshivas Rabbenu Yitzchok Elchonon, R'
Aharon moved on to Rav Levenberg's yeshiva in New Haven,
Connecticut. Unfortunately, the yeshiva was unable to thrive
in New Haven and an attempt to replant it in Cleveland, Ohio
was unsuccessful.
Following the advice and encouragement of his good friend and
fellow Baltimorean R' Avigdor Miller zt"l, and with
the approval and assistance of Rav Schwartz, R' Aharon
decided to travel overseas to drink from the fountains of
Torah there. Under Rav Schwartz's direction he decided to
attend the illustrious Telzer Yeshiva in Lithuania, where Rav
Schwartz himself had studied in his youth. A big
consideration in his choice was his desire to be in a yeshiva
where not many Americans were studying. He wished to live and
study and feel European, thereby enhancing his spiritual
From Baltimore, Maryland To Telshe,
Traveling overseas in the 1930's was not an everyday
occurrence as it is today. Travel by ship was long and
arduous and seasickness was not unusual. There was no thought
of coming home even once a year, let alone for every family
simchah or for various yomim tovim. Living
conditions in Europe were definitely not as comfortable as in
America, even for one from as poor a family as R' Aharon's.
Then, the only means of communication was written
correspondence or, in times of urgency, the telegram.
However, R' Aharon was not deterred. The call of the pure
Torah-filled atmosphere and the thought of the yeshiva
steeped in Torah and kedushoh (plus the adventure)
lured him across the ocean.
R' Aharon spent six years, from 1931-1937, in the renowned
yeshiva of Telz absorbing the Torah of the illustrious
roshei hayeshiva and the general aura of kedusha
that permeated the yeshiva and the town itself.
These years had a profound influence on the rest of his life.
He always considered himself a "Telzer talmid" and
always strove to conduct himself according to the standards
his rebbeim set for him. He became a ben bayis
in the home of HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch Hy"d, the
Telzer rov and rosh hayeshiva, and maintained a close
personal relationship with the entire Telzer family.
In later years, he searched for and located some of the
remnants of the family whom Hashem had spared from the
ultimate horrors of the Holocaust. HaRav Gifter, zt"l,
related that upon arrival, as he stood in awe at the doorway
of the Telzer beis medrash for the first time, a
bochur approached him and said, "Are you Gifter from
Baltimore? I'm Paperman from Baltimore."
Thus began a lifelong friendship between the two and their
families. Ironically, although they were both from Baltimore,
they had not met until they were both studying in Telz.
When his father R' Wolfe passed away suddenly on Purim 1936,
R' Aharon received a telegram from his sister notifying him
of the petiroh and informing him that he was needed at
home to help support their mother. But R' Aharon was not yet
ready to return to the United States. He remained in Telz for
nearly a year longer, enough time to receive semichoh
from HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch Hy"d, his
rosh hayeshiva and the rov of Telz, even though Rav
Bloch's policy was not to ordain unmarried men. In this case,
as R' Aharon needed the semichoh to earn a living and
was surely deserving, the Rosh Yeshiva made an exception.
R' Aharon was also ordained by HaRav Avrohom Mordechai
Veseler zt"l, the rov of Anikst, Lithuania, and a
brother-in-law of the Rosh Hayeshiva; by HaRav Yitzchok Begun
zt"l, rov of Radvolishke, Lithuania and author of the
sefer Sedei Yitzchok; and by "the Yerushalmi,"
HaRav Yosef Zussmanovitz zt"l, rov in Slobodka who
wrote a glowing endorsement of R' Aharon.
He also received a very complimentary letter of approbation
from HaRav Zalman Bloch Hy"d, the dayan and
moreh tzedek of the city Telz and menahel
ruchani of the Yeshiva.
Embarking on His Rabbinical Career
R' Aharon returned to the United States, a unique combination
of a true ben Torah steeped in the hashkofos he
had absorbed in Telz -- and an American-bred young man. He
was steadfast and uncompromising in his Torah ideals. His
honesty and integrity, deeply rooted in his being, did not
allow for any actions which might be questionable. He was
upright and honest in his interaction with others and totally
abhorred the idea of "getting away with it" even though
"everyone" else did it.
Studying Torah on a daily basis was a given, no matter how
busy he was or how long the day. He did not retire at night
before finishing at least his minimum daily requirement of
Torah study.
At the same time, he was American-born. He understood the
mentality and the needs of American youth and adults. He
spoke such an impeccable English that people refused to
believe that not only had he never attended college, but that
he had never formally graduated high school!
He was impeccably neat and orderly, always stood straight and
looked distinguished, but was, without a doubt, down to
earth. His warm, outgoing personality, his caring and
compassion, his big smile and twinkling eyes -- all endeared
him to people of all ages. He was truly interested in people
and wanted to help them whenever he could -- especially to
bring them closer to Hashem.
This combination of American/European educated bochur
was rare in the late 1930s. Most rabbis or teachers were
either Europeans who did not understand Americans or else
Americans who did not have a solid religious foundation and
were unable to infuse their congregants with true Torah
ideals. Thus R' Aharon, armed with his impressive
semichos, special personality and talents, entered the
rabbinic field and began to make his mark on the American
A Young Rabbi
His first position was in Gardner, Massachusetts. As he
related in a letter to R' Mordechai Gifter and R' Mendel
Poliakoff who were still in Telz, there were only 45 Jewish
families in Gardner of whom only three old men were shomer
Shabbos. He understood the importance of reaching the
children and gave various classes for them. He wrote that he
"organized 5 of the 10" boys "into `shock-troops' for
Yiddishkeit. They daven daily, they wash and
make hamotzi before eating and bentsch
afterwards. They keep the Sabbath holy."
This was no easy feat. The shortest route home from
shul was through the business district, but R' Aharon
chose the long way around. When the boys asked why he walked
the long route, he explained that he did not want to see the
people being mechalel Shabbos. The boys opted to walk
with the Rabbi.
There was also a Bible Class for the adults. In the letter he
laments the fact that he had no learning partner to help him
utilize more of his free time in Torah study. He gave his
weekly Friday night sermon -- "in English only" -- on
religious discussions only, avoiding politics. It was here in
Gardner that R' Aharon embarked on a public speaking career
that would span the rest of his life.
Shortly afterwards, with the assistance of Rav Avigdor Miller
zt"l, R' Aharon was accepted as the rov of Plainfield,
New Jersey. This was a prestigious position and very
challenging. Many experienced observers were surprised that
such a young rabbi would even attempt it.
The position entailed being the spiritual leader of the two
Orthodox shuls in town and also supervising the
vaad hakashrus. The rabbi was also expected to be
involved in improving the quality of education in the Hebrew
School of Plainfield. Rabbi Paperman was well aware of the
challenges of the position but, undaunted, he assumed his new
position in March of 1939.
It was at this time that he became engaged to Chaya, the
youngest daughter of Rav Avrohom Nachman Schwartz zt"l
and his rebbetzin Golda Miriam nee Preil. Since it was
a stipulation in the Plainfield contract that the rabbi be
married, the engagement was opportunely timed -- another sign
that Hashem was definitely guiding his life.
HaRav Schwartz and his rebbetzin had come to America in 1906
to escape the terrible pogroms that were ravishing European
Jewry. HaRav Schwartz was invited to become the rov of the
newly formed Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh congregation in
Baltimore, Maryland. Under his guidance, the shul grew
in membership and stature.
HaRav Schwartz raised the level of Yiddishkeit in all
of Baltimore immensely. He improved the educational system
with adult education classes and shiurim, opened the
Hebrew Parochial School for boys, encouraged Rabbi Yaakov Y.
Ruderman zt"l to open the Ner Israel Yeshiva in the
'30s, and later helped his Rebbetzin begin the Bais Yaakov of
Baltimore for girls. Under his supervision, the level of
kashrus was also elevated.
His wife was a true rebbetzin, aiding her husband in
every sense of the word. Theirs was a home open to all
wayfarers who needed a kosher home to stay. Many a European
rosh yeshiva and rov stayed in the Schwartz home while
they raised funds for their various institutions, or until
they found a suitable position for themselves in America. The
Rebbetzin fed them and cared for them and the Rov helped them
in their endeavors.
Having been raised in such a home, Chaya was well prepared to
assume the role of Rebbetzin.
They were married the 13th day of Shevat (January 21, 1940).
R' Aharon said many times that at the time of their marriage,
the most they dreamed of was that their children should grow
up to be shomrei Shabbos. This was their fervent hope
and prayer. This should give us pause to reflect on the level
of Yiddishkeit in America at that time.
R' Aharon proved to be very capable as rov in Plainfield. He
and his wife were very well liked by the community and they
both contributed to its growth and welfare.
World War II
When the U.S. entered World War II, R' Aharon felt very
strongly that he wished to help his fellow Jews. Due to the
lack of Orthodox chaplains in the U.S. Army, he felt that he
could contribute most by volunteering to become one.
However since he was already married and had a young son and
occupied a position of responsibility in his community, he
wasn't sure if volunteering for the army was the right thing
to do. Therefore he traveled to Cleveland to consult with the
Telzer roshei hayeshiva, HaRav Eliyohu Meir Bloch
zt"l and HaRav Chaim Mordechai Katz zt"l, who
were at that time working to transplant the Telzer Yeshiva
After serious deliberation the roshei hayeshiva gave
their approval. R' Elya Meir Bloch zt"l even said,
"Volt ich geven yunger, volt ich alein gegangen" (If I
were younger, I would go myself). R' Aharon also consulted
with HaRav Aharon Kotler zt"l who agreed that he would
accomplish the most as a chaplain.
He enlisted in September 1942. At first he spent several
months in training to be a chaplain and then was sent to Camp
Forrest in Tulahoma, Tennessee where his family moved to be
with him. In late August 1943 he was sent overseas, where he
arrived in September in Tangiers, on the way to Italy.
R' Aharon was stationed in Italy for two years with the Fifth
Army, which liberated Italy. Captain Paperman was perfectly
aware that army life would present challenges with regard to
Shabbos and kashrus.
One incident occurred immediately upon his arrival overseas
when he had to present himself to the main US Army Chaplain
Colonel Patrick J. Ryan, a Catholic priest under whom he was
to serve in Italy. This was on a Wednesday, erev
Succos, which meant that yom tov was on Thursday
and Friday, followed by Shabbos. R' Aharon did not have a
beard at that time and three days of not shaving was against
Army regulations and indicated that the person was unkempt.
R' Aharon was newly arrived and had to make a good
Aware of his predicament, yet totally undaunted, he
approached the Catholic Chaplain to explain his dilemma. He
explained that since he was an Orthodox Jew he would not be
allowed to shave for the next three days due to a Holiday and
the Sabbath and that the same would be true for the following
week. "I wanted to explain to you that this would not be due
to negligence on my part, but rather to religious
Chaplain Ryan jumped up, extended his arm for a handshake,
and exclaiming, "Welcome to the Fifth Army! I'm glad to have
a man who adheres to his religious beliefs working with me!
I've only served with one Jewish Chaplain in my whole career,
and to this day I don't know if he believed in anything! You
go ahead and do what you have to do, and if anybody says
anything, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."
And so it was for two years while he was in Italy. Any
religious difficulties were handled by Chaplain Ryan.
The family is interested in gathering further information
and stories about R' Aharon Paperman. Anyone having such
information is requested to phone or fax: 001-718-338-5626;
001-845-425-9014; 011-972-3-6186- 584 (Bnei Brak); or 011-331-
Dear Morris,
I almost wept when I read your letter today. If I were at my
usual post, I would have immediately tried to contact you
personally, but I am away for 30 days and am hundreds of
miles from you.
Your letter made me feel small, humble, utterly inadequate to
deal with the great problems confronting you. You are, in
your own words, in a state of mental chaos, but you are
mistaken in thinking that the state of combat and the fear of
death have brought you to such a state. You are in your
present condition solely because you never had a
really deep, satisfying conviction regarding the important
things of life and death: the relationship of man and G-d,
and man and his fellow man. You lived in a neutral and
spiritual vacuum with a few superficial ideas on the basic
concepts of the world and your own individual part in it.
These superficialities were sufficient under normal
conditions to keep you going, although not even under normal
conditions were they really satisfying. The stark, naked
realities of combat, put the question of life and death to
you in all its urgency for solution. Faced with the immediate
necessity for a real, satisfying answer and, because you are
more honest and sensitive than the average person, not
finding the answers in your previous "ideals," you suddenly
found yourself in your present mental condition. Let me
repeat, the condition was there before Combat merely exposed
it to your conscious self.
Here is where my feeling of humility and even of futility
enters the picture. All the above is true. Would that I were
great enough, dear Morris, to convince you of the truths
which I believe in. That the span of man's life is not as
important as the way in which it is lived. That death after a
life lived right is merely a beginning of one's true
fulfillment. That it is possible to achieve in one hour by
true thinking and true adjustment, inner adjustment to G-d
and the world, more than most people achieve in a normal span
of 70 years. Would that I were G-dly enough in my own person
so that the overflow of it would reach you even through the
medium of script, but alas I am but a mere shell of what I
should be.
Dear Morris, you are now in the depths of despair. Cry out
unto G-d as did the psalmist: "Out of the depths have I
called Thee, O L-rd. L-rd hearken unto my voice, let Thine
ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications." Set
yourself straight with Him and He can help you and you will
find peace and yes even contentment no matter where you may
Go back to duty. May G-d preserve you and return you home
alive and well. Keep me informed of your whereabouts and your
thoughts. I have a very warm and friendly feeling for you.
Your friend,
Aaron Paperman
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