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Introduction: In a Single Glance
"From the heavens, Hashem watched; He saw all the people.
From the place of His seat, He supervised all the earth
dwellers -- Who forms together their hearts, Who understands
all their deeds" (Tehillim 33:13- 15).
Rabbenu Ovadiah MiBartenura (Rosh Hashanah 1:2)
explains the last of these pesukim as follows. "The
Creator, Hakodosh Boruch Hu, sees all their hearts
together and comprehends all their deeds. Even though they
pass before Him one by one [on Rosh Hashanah], they are
nevertheless surveyed in a single glance."
Hashem takes in the hearts of all men in a single moment even
though they are scattered across the globe, or even beyond
it. The Radak explains, "This means: how could the thoughts
of their hearts be hidden from Him, since He created them?
`Together,' because He knows them all, as a group. Chazal
derive from the word `together' that they are all viewed in a
single glance (Rosh Hashanah 18). Since He knows their
hearts, He certainly knows their deeds . . . "
Hakodosh Boruch Hu is present in every place, at every
instant. His glory fills the world and the world is His
glory. His knowledge is all encompassing and absolute; it is
not derived from a single source.
Man, on the other hand, has only localized knowledge of his
immediate vicinity and time. From his own little corner -- on
a small planet that is part of a solar system, among a huge
number of other such systems in the universe -- he tries to
investigate what takes place in stars and galaxies that are
thousands of light years distant from him. The laws he
derives from examining his immediate, measurable vicinity can
be applied with confidence only to his own location and
It is by no means clear, even from a scientific perspective,
that laws holding true on earth can be applied to distant
heavenly bodies, as though man's vista were genuinely
universal. Yet man vainly believes that he has knowledge of
the natural laws applying throughout the universe, as though
what is evident in his own locale acquaints him with
conditions everywhere else.
Man has been investigating the laws of nature that apply on
earth for thousands of years and his efforts have met with
considerable success, especially in recent centuries. In the
last four years though, the assumption that some of the most
basic laws of physics could be confidently applied all over
the universe has been severely shaken. This article will
examine two recent discoveries that have called the
understanding of contemporary scientists into question.
The first discovery relates to the gravitational pull of the
earth and the stars. It now appears that the pull of gravity
on earth is not identical with that on stars and in distant
galaxies. This casts doubt on the theory that gravity has a
universal and constant value everywhere.
The second discovery concerns the laws governing light. Here
too, it now appears that the laws governing the radiation and
absorption of light from stars and distant galaxies are not
the same as the corresponding laws that apply to light in
laboratories here on earth. If future observations provide
further corroboration of these phenomena, it will necessitate
a major revamping of scientific theory about the universe.
Part One: Universal Gravitation
A Mysterious Force
One of the most elementary features of our lives on earth is
that everything around us, without exception, remains firmly
upon the ground. Living creatures, plants, buildings,
mountains, rivers, oceans, air and water -- all stay upon the
earth's surface. Even if one of them leaves it for a moment
or even longer, it always returns. For a rocket to break
completely free of the earth's gravitational pull, it must be
given a "getaway velocity" of eleven kilometers a second.
For thousands of years men tried to fathom the phenomenon of
gravity. The ancients maintained that things fell towards the
ground because, as objects made from "earth," that was their
"natural" place and everything possessed a natural affinity
for its own place. Air, they said, rose higher because that
was its natural place. Fire also rose, because it was
naturally attracted to the burning sun while water always
tended to find the lowest point, though it remained above the
earth's surface. Each of the four elements: earth, water, air
and fire, thus had its own particular level, which it always
Approximately four centuries ago, the English scientist Sir
Isaac Newton argued that the earth itself exerts an
attractive pull upon everything on its surface. This force,
he said, worked over a distance, without any "ropes or
intermediaries" whatsoever. It was, in fact, a mysterious,
invisible power, whose existence could only be inferred from
its effects and so it indeed remains, even to our modern
understanding. Although nobody has ever actually seen the
earth exerting its force of gravity, we are so used to the
idea of things falling to the ground and remaining there,
that we unquestioningly attribute it to gravity's mysterious
Between the Heavenly Bodies
Newton did not limit gravitational pull to the earth. In his
opinion, which has since been universally adopted, every
heavenly body exerts a gravitational pull on every other
physical object in its vicinity, be it a mere meteor, or
another star (fig 1). The force is thus known as universal
gravitational force.
A body's gravitational pull grows weaker with increasing
distance. Near the earth's surface, the pull is relatively
strong and brings both small and large objects back to earth.
When a rocket is fired into space, the further away it moves
from earth, the weaker is the gravitational pull (fig. 2). If
the rocket is directed towards the moon, the closer it gets
to the moon, the stronger the moon's gravitational pull
becomes, while the earth's is almost nonexistent. Throughout
the universe, stars and galaxies exert gravitational pull on
other bodies within their own systems as well as on
neighboring systems. Newton developed a formula that allows
the strength of the gravitational pull between two bodies to
be calculated.
Figure 3 shows a galaxy containing several million stars.
Today it is reckoned that what keeps the group together and
prevents the individual stars from dispersing throughout
space, is the mutual gravitational pull between them all. One
might have expected this pull to result in the stars
convergence upon each other at the galaxy's center but this
does not happen. The reason is that each star also has its
own individual movement within the group, much the same way
as each individual bee goes about its own business among the
thousands of other bees that swarm within its hive.
Evidently, some point of balance is reached between the
stars' mutual attraction and the individual paths that they
follow within the boundaries of the galaxy (see fig.4), thus
enabling it to remain a distinct grouping, with its own
particular shape.
Something similar can be observed within our own solar system
(fig. 5). The Sun exerts a gravitational pull upon all the
planets, yet they do not move towards it and crash into it
because each one has its own movement. The Sun's pull, in
conjunction with each planet's own movement, results in its
constant orbit around the Sun (fig. 6).
Innumerable galaxies fill every part of the universe that is
visible to us by means of telescopes. It transpires that each
of them has its own movement through space. It is thought
today that the mutual gravitational pull between the galaxies
is the overriding power throughout the reaches of space. The
tremendous distances between one galaxy and another mean that
this power is very weak but it is present nonetheless and
extends across space to the farthest galaxies.
It is worth pointing out that the power of gravity is not
magnetic but independent. Relatively speaking, it is one of
the weaker forces in the natural world. It seems however, to
be the only one that pervades the entire universe, to its
very edge.
Einstein's Modification
Up to a century ago, Newton's formula for gravitational
attraction and his model of the universe were unchallenged.
Then, Albert Einstein advanced his theory that denied the
existence of a gravitational force. According to Einstein,
objects fell to the earth and heavenly bodies moved in
orbits, not because of gravitational attraction but because
the earth itself, or the sun, created certain tracks of
movement in their direct environs. This is called a
gravitational field. The presence of a body in space changes
the properties of the space around it, so that other objects
in its field can only follow certain paths that it has
predetermined for them.
Gravity as a force vanished in Einstein's vision, to be
replaced by set movements through space dictated by the
matter it contained.
Einstein also propounded a mathematical formula for
calculating the strength of the attraction between heavenly
bodies. The results obtained from Einstein's formula are
almost identical to those obtained from Newton's. The tiny
difference between them however, is highly significant when
considering the vast distances of space.
Newton's Law of Gravitation, modified according to Einstein's
Theory of General Relativity, form the basis of the precise
calculations that chart the paths of the spacecraft that are
sent from earth to the moon and to other planets in the solar
system. Obviously, such calculations must be absolutely
accurate. A discrepancy of a thousandth of a degree in
direction at the outset, can result in a very wide error,
indeed, at a great distance from earth.
The fact that scientists can successfully land spacecraft on
the moon and other planets is evidence that man's knowledge
of the basic Law of Gravitation, as it applies to the solar
system, is such as enables him to apply it there with great
precision. Were this not the case, the results of the past
forty years' work to advance space exploration and travel
would have been nowhere near as successful as they have
A Pair of Pioneers
Thus far, practical results can be said to have borne out the
Law's application to the solar system. Astronomers however,
have also been applying Newton's Law, which is of fundamental
importance in all calculations, to distant stars and
galaxies, assuming that it applies in exactly the same way at
the farthest edges of the universe -- even at distances of
thousands of light years -- as it does within the solar
system. Who guarantees, though, that the formulae that have
yielded such beautiful results when applied to the solar
system, hold true for distant galaxies?
Following scientific tradition, this has simply been assumed
since no evidence has hitherto indicated otherwise. In
science, assumptions are made which are regarded as
"scientific truth" until new information proves them wrong.
Lately however, such information has apparently been
In '72 and '73 two spacecraft, called Pioneer 10 and Pioneer
11, were sent into space, along opposite trajectories away
from the solar system, as shown in figure 8. Pioneer 10 was
the first to reach the planet Jupiter. Afterwards, Pioneer 11
also arrived there and, continuing its own journey, it became
the first craft ever to reach Saturn.
After completing their missions, the two craft continued
moving through space, away from the solar system. Although
they had completed the tasks that they had been sent for,
American scientists continued monitoring them. Their
movements were observed for any deviation which might attest
to the existence of the gravitational pull of a tenth,
hitherto invisible and undetected planet in the solar system
which had been suspected to exist.
The two crafts' solar batteries continued functioning well
and they went on transmitting continuous radio signals back
to earth, enabling scientists at NASA to calculate their
exact positions. In 1980, when Pioneer 10 was still within
the solar system moving somewhere between Uranus and Neptune,
it became apparent that there was a slight, unclear
discrepancy between the craft's position as indicated by its
signals and its expected position based on calculation.
Pioneer 10 was lagging slightly behind where it should have
been, as though the gravitational pull was very slightly
stronger there.
This discrepancy continued showing year after year and today,
Pioneer 10 is four hundred thousand kilometers behind its
calculated position. Since the craft is moving away from the
sun, it appears as though the sun's gravitational pull is
stronger there, than we have so far understood it to be here
on earth. Until 1990, when a radio failure on Pioneer 11
stopped its transmission of useful signals, it too, was
showing an identical pattern of discrepancy. A spacecraft
named Ulysses also shows a similar anomaly.
Coming to Terms
Until 1994, scientists investigated many other possible
causes for the spacecrafts' slowing down, such as propellant
leakage, thermal emission, solar radiation pressure,
interactions with the solar "wind" and others. However, they
found that none of these could account for the size and
direction of the anomalous acceleration. Also they wanted to
wait several years to accumulate more data to ensure that the
anomaly is consistent.
They then began to consider whether the mathematical formulae
for calculating the gravitational pull of the sun and
planets, might vary at great distances (or with time) from
the forms that are in general use.
This possibility is particularly bewildering to physicists
and astronomers because the Gravitational Laws have formed
the bedrock of scientific thought and work in the past
century. Many scientists are hoping that a different cause
will be identified that will leave the gravitational formulae
If this does not happen however, it will prove a fatal blow
to the assumption that the laws of gravity as they have been
shown to apply on and near to the earth, can be applied at
great distances away from it. All the data that has been
derived about times, distances between stars and stars'
structures and properties based on this assumption, would
then prove to be groundless.
It has been proposed that further spacecraft be sent out to
provide more information about this phenomenon but so far,
governments have been unwilling to allot funds to such
Recently, another discovery has been made, showing that even
on the earth's surface, minute, unexplained discrepancies in
the gravitational pull exist. It appears that there is an
infinitesimal difference between the strength of gravity in
France and China, along certain geographical latitudes. This
phenomenon also requires further investigation until it can
be corroborated.
Part Two: Light from Distant Galaxies
A Basic Source of Information
Light is one of the most fundamental and fascinating
phenomena in the natural world. It fills the world, where it
arrives within minutes of having left the sun, travelling at
a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. It
is radiated by burning objects and is either reflected,
partially or wholly, or absorbed by other objects in its
vicinity. White light can be split up into its constituent
colors. It allows us to make use of our sense of sight, which
is our principal source of information about our
All that we know about distant stars and galaxies derives
from our analysis of the light rays that reach us from them.
Their distance, their movements, their size, their
temperature and chemical composition etc. can all be
discovered by investigating their light rays.
One of the most basic processes involving light that requires
understanding is that taking place within a luminescent
object. What actually happens to matter that makes it give
off light?
Similarly, the process unfolding within an object absorbing
light also requires understanding. Physicists have carefully
researched these processes under laboratory conditions, using
microscopes and other apparatus.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, they had already
reached the conclusion that the radiation and absorption of
light involved the individual atoms of the emitting matter in
question. The Quantum Theory, which is both broad in scope
and profound in content, was formulated to make it possible
to calculate the conditions governing many submicroscopic
processes, including the radiation and absorption of
Over the past eighty years, the theory has proven highly
successful. The results it has yielded have been confirmed
experimentally with astonishing accuracy in tests involving
the radiation and absorption of both light and other atomic
particles. The Quantum Theory is dominant today in subatomic
physics. Without the information it has yielded, atomic and
nuclear physics would not have made the strides that they
have in recent times.
Almost -- but Not Quite
Approximately four years ago however, physicists and
astronomers were baffled by yet another puzzling discovery.
Upon viewing a hundred different galaxies (of a type known as
quasars) through astronomical telescopes, it became apparent
that the light reaching us from them was not quite obeying
the laws and calculations that are recognized in light's
behavior nearer to earth.
Astronomers use prisms to split the light that arrives on
earth from heavenly bodies. Dark bands crossing the bands of
color -- indicating the absorption of light -- are visible at
specific points on the resulting spectra. By making highly
accurate measurements of the exact positions of the dark
bands, the substances giving off the light can be
conclusively identified.
In the case of the spectra from the hundred quasars that have
been measured recently, the substances resulting in the dark
bands have also been identified beyond any doubt. However,
the bands' positions are not in exactly the same positions
that are recognized for these substances under laboratory
conditions on earth. They show a very slight, but clear,
Again, other factors that might account for these
discrepancies have been investigated, such as inaccuracy of
the telescope, of other apparatus involved, or of the
electronic equipment surrounding them, but no possible
technical causes have been identified hitherto.
Again, without any choice, scientists are being forced to
consider whether the physics of light in distant galaxies
might differ slightly from that of light on earth. They
believe that the speed of light may vary between distant
galaxies. Such a hypothesis however, shakes their entire
understanding of the processes going on inside their own
laboratories, as well as of those taking place at the
farthest reaches of the universe. If new, varying factors
have to be introduced into their understanding, they must be
identified for conditions on earth, as well as elsewhere.
There are also far-reaching consequences for scientists'
measurements of how much time has passed, of how stars
develop and of distances throughout the universe. If physical
laws change at great distances, no definite conclusions
whatsoever can be drawn about events taking place in faraway
space, since the basic laws and figures differ here and
Many researchers have now returned to the telescope results
that originally gave rise to these doubts, to check and re-
check their correctness. At the same time though, researchers
into the Quantum Theory have also begun to seek ways of
modifying the theory in order to accommodate the new
In Conclusion
Until such time as these anomalous results are proven wrong,
these two examples furnish proof of science's inability to
provide absolute and comprehensive natural laws and
The history of science itself has shown repeatedly that mere
mortals can never arrive at these absolute laws. Hakodosh
Boruch Hu has enabled them to rummage around and
investigate their own small and immediate environment and to
formulate localized laws whose application is limited -- and
even these laws are proven inadequate every few centuries.
All of science's digging will never uncover the true,
absolute laws that govern the natural world. Scientific
research may facilitate the development of airplanes, washing
machines and portable cell phones of ever increasing
efficiency, contributing to man's comfort and convenience --
which is in fact their sole raison d'etre -- but it
will never succeed in uncovering the absolute, Divine
The laws that science discovers will always be temporary and
fleeting, changing with each new discovery and ultimately
being replaced, like the human beings that propound them, for
the path they follow is not that of recognition of and fear
of Hashem.
In his discourse on The Creation, Rabbenu Nissim writes that,
"Man's knowledge of things is not of their true, essential
nature but of their circumstances . . . for his
understanding is only founded upon observable events"
(Bereishis, section beginning, "Achar kach omar . .
. ")
"Strange Attraction," New Scientist 20/07/02, pp. 28-
32. About the gravitational anomaly.
"Blinding Flash," New Scientist 11/05/02, pp. 29- 32.
About light from quasars.
These two articles contain further references to the
professional literature.
Stenger, Richard. "Puzzling Hyper-gravity Proves Weighty
Mystery" (CNN: May 21, 2001).
Gustafson, John R. "Three Spacecraft Reveal Unexplained
Motion," (Los Alamos National Laboratory, News Release dated
Sept. 24, 1998)
Dr. N. Vidal was an astronomer at the Greenwich
Observatory in England, Professor of Astronomy at the
Australia National University and a visiting professor of
astronomy at Harvard University. He is currently at the
Center for Scientific Education in Bayit Vegan,
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