Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Av 5762 - July 31, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family
Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine

Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine Ma'ayenei Hayeshua Hospital

Some newsworthy items from the world of medical research. We now feel that we must closely watch people who are "borderline" diabetics. They need to be screened quite often. People at high risk must be especially careful. High risk factors include having a family member with the disease, overweight, problems with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Even a little exercise and weight loss can lower your risk of diabetes by more than 50 percent. Diabetes is not a game, and poor sugar control can lead to a number of bad side effects: amputations, blindness, heart attack, stroke, and brain edema. Good control and follow-up by a physician who understands diabetes is essential.

I believe that this is a disease that should be treated by specialists (preferably an endocrinologist or at least an internist). This is not a malady to be treated by a general practitioner.

ACE inhibitors are the drugs of the year. They are a class of drugs that reduce blood pressure, but every month there is more about their protective effects. They help a lot to prevent heart disease and stroke. They can be expensive and cause a hacking annoying cough. Depending on your age group and other factors, an anti-high blood pressure program should be designed for you individually. Again, modest weight loss and exercise go a long way.

Of course you should never stick anything in your mouth that needs to be lit. That includes dynamite and cigarettes!

Osteoporosis now has many drugs that are helpful, and taking estrogen for the post-menopausal women is now only one option. Good diet, especially a good intake of calcium when you are still a little girl, are important. And guess what also helps -- EXERCISE!

The chicken pox vaccine -- Varilrix -- made by our sponsor is recommended by the American Association of Pediatricians, and all evidence points to it being a good idea. Chicken pox is a misery for patient and parent. Chicken pox can turn mean as well. As it isn't yet used routinely in Israel, you may have to request it from your doctor.

A new revolutionary vaccine against pneumococcus -- the leading cause of meningitis in kids -- is now available in the USA.

Proteins may be better than carbohydrates, but now there may be a link between them and Alzheimer's. Best bet -- eat a balance, but low fat.

Fats in blood are a serious problem, but like high blood pressure and diabetes, may go undetected. Now more evidence points to the value of keeping cholesterol and fats down. Good health is not just reading my column. Go out and get your fat profile checked (a simple blood test), get your blood pressure checked, have that mammogram, do a baseline EKG, have your stool checked for occult blood, and do cancer screening. And while you are at it, walk, don't take the bus or drive, to the doctor's office. Start your exercise program today!

Write me in care of the Yated.


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