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OPINION & COMMENT The world is sliding down a slippery slope greased by the
yetzer hora.
Fifty years ago, it seemed that the West, and especially the
United States, was a society that was fairly moral in the
specific sense that it upheld the Seven Laws of Noach. The
largely Protestant country was free of avoda zora,
there was a very developed legal system that enforced laws
against murder in all its forms, 80 percent of all households
were headed by a married couple, and all public, acceptable
behavior upheld reasonable moral principles. "Who Shall Rise Up for Me Against Evildoers?" Our Torah, Our Prayers And Our Tears: Our Torah The sefer Kuzari teaches us that there are four basic groups of entities in the world; inanimate objects, plant- life, animal-life, and verbal/thinking human beings (domeim, tzomei'ach, chai, medaber -- mineral, vegetable, animal and human). From the most basic to the more advanced, these four classes make up the world. To The Editor: Those Israelis who stress that we have to use more force and keep hitting the Arabs harder, imagine that this will stop the violence and put fear into the Arabs' hearts. As much as you try to explain to them that the it does not work like this, they are simply not interested.
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