Reversing Oslo?
In Sunday's New York Times there was a piece signed by
Yasser Arafat (though it hardly reflected his usual style of
speech) that insisted that the Palestinians are ready to end
the conflict, to sit down with any Israeli leader and to
fight Israeli military power with the power of justice.
Paying for the Air We Breathe
by Yitzchok Roth
Today it has become almost impossible to find a single news
article on problems the country faces that does not place
some of the blame on the chareidim. This is not paranoia, but
fact. The following is a selection of telling examples:
Shekolim -- A Half To Create A Whole
by S. Bilgrei
If it suits the king, then let us proclaim to destroy them
and ten thousand measures of silver . . . (Esther
3,9). Resh Lokish said: It was clear to the Creator of the
World that in the future Homon would weigh shekolim
against Yisroel, therefore He preceded their shekolim
to his shekolim. Hence, the mishna says that on
the first of Adar there is a proclamation about the
shekolim and kilayim (Megilloh 13b).
Servants of Hashem -- True Liberty
by Yisroel Spiegel
It is a very thin line that divides liberty and bondage, a
free man from a slave, and that is the knowledge of to whom
one must be bound, whom one must serve. The sign of true
freedom is when the possessed recognizes his master. One who
deludes himself out of foolishness into thinking that he is a
liberated man is in reality a slave, for he is shackled to
the impulses of his evil inclination and the desires of his
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