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Afghanistan, which has recently been in the headlines under
very difficult conditions, had a flourishing Jewish community
in the not-too-distant past. One of the rabbonim of the
community spoke to Yated Ne'eman about life there.
Today the Taliban have instituted a reign of terror, but in
the past Jews sat and learned every day in shuls at
the end of their working day, Torah being paramount. The
mesirus nefesh displayed by the Jews was amazing. The
community included talmidei chachomim. Today there are
no halachic Jews in the country, but there are rumors, backed
up by some evidence (to be treated with caution) about a
connection between Afghan tribes and the Ten Tribes.
After the dust has settled in the Afghan hills from the
American and British bombing, the exiled Afghan king may be
asked to return to his kingdom from his temporary home in
Rome. One of the rabbonim of the Afghan community in Israel
told us that the king once proclaimed that they had a
tradition of coming from Jewish stock. The king, 86 years old
today, was very favorably disposed towards the Jews, and his
personal adviser was Jewish. Even during his time in exile he
has maintained links with Jews from the Afghan community.
In the second part of this article we shall bring a
fascinating collection of testimonies about a possible link
between the Pathan (Pashtun) Afghan tribe and the Ten Tribes:
the Pathans have amulets written in Assyrian script (ksav
ashuris). The brother of a deceased person observes
yibum and they grow payos!
The following incident happened to a visitor to an Afghan
area populated by the Pathans who was accompanied by a
relative, a boy with payos. When they passed one of
their villages he was attacked by members of the tribe: "They
literally wanted to kill us. They thought that I had stolen
the boy from one of their areas. When I managed, by a
miracle, to calm them down and asked them why I was being
attacked they explained that I must have stolen the child,
because only members of their tribe had the custom of growing
payos since they were Jewish."
We shall return for more fascinating testimonies later, after
the following interview with one of the rabbonim of the
Afghan community in Israel who is active in spreading Torah
and yiras Shomayim.
"There was not even one nonobservant Jew amongst the whole of
Afghan Jewry," declares the rov.
Even up to very recent times?
"Yes! Maybe there were some who were victims of ignorance,
but there was nobody who was lacking the basics of faith,
ahavas haTorah, putting on tefillin and even
praying three times a day. The town of Her'at had four packed
synagogues. If one person was absent for even one
tefilloh during the week people went to him to be
mevaker cholim, assuming that he must surely not be
feeling well."
Which period are you referring to?
"Until thirty years ago."
In other countries the destruction of the religious way of
life started much earlier!
"In Afghanistan there were two attempts by the Alliance
(Alliance Israelite Universelle, a French-based group
that tried to spread modernity -- including its ills -- among
Jews around the world) to infiltrate our way of life, but the
rabbonim stood in the breach and prevented them from gaining
a foothold in the country. The Haskalah was totally
unsuccessful in its attempts to have an influence on the Jews
of Afghanistan. When there was a need to teach secular
studies this was done by using a private tutor but not within
the framework of talmudei Torah. Unfortunately no
yeshivas were set up in Afghanistan, but, by the grace of
Hashem, there were talmidei chachomim, including some
very distinguished ones.
"If yeshivas had been set up, Afghanistan would have been
like Vilna. The bochurim are very talented and today
they stand out in the Torah institutions in Israel. Although
there were no institutionalized yeshivas, everybody sat and
learned in the shuls after a day's work. The
mesirus nefesh displayed by the Jews was amazing.
Frozen springs served as mikvo'os and the responsa
discuss whether it was permissible to heat a spring as a
mikveh in Afghanistan."
Was there one dominant figure in the struggle against the
"It could be said that the person who set the tone for Afghan
Jewry was Rav Mattisyo Gargi zt"l who was in charge of
all spiritual matters. He was a big tzaddik. He moved
to Eretz Yisroel and lived in the Bocharan
neighborhood in Yerushalayim. Every erev Shabbos he
walked to the Kosel in both summer and winter.
"HaRav Ezra Attiya zt"l asked him why he did not hire
a wagon for a few prutot since he was already old. He
replied that it would be better to give those prutot
to the poor. Even after he moved to Eretz Yisroel he
continued to have an influence on Afghan Jewry.
"Jews would fast on the days of BaHaB [Mondays and
Thursdays several weeks after the yomim tovim] and
also on erev Rosh Chodesh. There were also women who
fasted on Sundays."
"The origin of this custom is interesting. The stoves were
made out of stone and there were burning coals inside and the
women were worried that they had chas vesholom
transgressed the prohibition of muktzeh on Shabbos and
so these righteous women fasted on Sundays!
"Allow me to quote a few lines from the sefer of
moreinu HaRav Gargi, Eidus Biyehosef, which
testify to the yiras Shomayim and modesty of Afghan
Jewry: `If the engaged man does not behave in a lighthearted
manner before his chuppah the couple will remain
happily married throughout their lives as we saw in our town
of Her'at . . . from this it follows that they will not end
up with gittin. My grandfather (Rav Mordechai Gargi
zt"l) and my father (Rav Mattisyo Gargi) were rabbis
in Her'at and the tznius was such that we never saw or
heard of an engaged or married man divorcing his wife.'"
How long did this spiritual Golden Era last?
"The Afghan king had to have an eye operation in France. The
professor who operated on him was Jewish. After the operation
the king asked him how much he owed him for the operation.
The professor answered that he was Jewish and he asked him if
there were Jews in the Afghan kingdom. The king said that
there were. The professor asked for the following
remuneration for the operation: that every Jew in his kingdom
should be given total freedom to move to Eretz
Yisroel. The king agreed to this.
"And that is what actually happened. The Jews who left the
country for Eretz Yisroel were allowed to take their
possessions with them without any restrictions! The Muslim
neighbors were upset by this, saying that the Jews were
leaving them and taking the country's good fortune with them
. . . and they were right: after the Jews left there was a
revolution and war broke out in the region.
"After their arrival in `our wonderful State' the immigrants
were shocked to discover cars driving on Shabbos. They could
not believe their eyes."
What made them choose to come to Eretz Yisroel?
"They had a yearning for Eretz Hakodesh. When a Jew
came back to Afghanistan after a visit to Eretz
Yisroel his neighbors would kiss the soles of his feet,
since they had merited treading on holy ground! Those who
could not move here themselves, in their innocence sent their
children on their own. Unfortunately this was not a good
idea, but it stemmed from ignorance. The parents thought that
they were sending them to the Beis Hamikdosh . . .
they just could not believe that the situation in Eretz
Yisroel could be otherwise."
And what is the situation like today?
"Already during the period of the ma'abarot (transit
camps) the Brisker Rov zt"l set up a yeshiva for the
children of the immigrants. I went to the yeshiva and asked
them to accept a group of children, but the administration
told me that there was no room for them. I went to the
Brisker Rov and told him about this. He told me as follows:
`Go and tell them that the rov says that you should accept
them.' And that is what happened.
"When the yeshiva bochurim grew older they took
matters into their hands and started to invest energy into
changing the face of the community."
We heard that the rov also played a part in this.
"No, unfortunately I did not. Today b"H many members
of the community attend yeshivas. Compared to the small size
of the community there are a lot of bochurim in
yeshivas. Wherever they are, members of the Afghan community
are conspicuous for their talents and are fully integrated
into all areas of Torah life. The young bochurim are
likely to grow up to be talmidei chachomim.
How were the Jews treated by the authorities?
"Generally speaking, they were favorably disposed towards us.
They admired the Jews and knew that they were loyal to the
kingdom and honest. People would deposit large sums of money
with Jews without requesting receipts or promissory notes.
Jews would also act as mediators in disputes between non-
"The king himself, who fled the revolution and lives in Rome
till today, was very sympathetic towards the Jews. His
personal adviser was a Jew called Yosef Siman Tov from the
capital Kabul. He was constantly in and out of the royal
palace. Even after the king was exiled they maintained their
links. The king made sure that the extreme Shiites did not
harm the Jews. We lived like princes.
"I had a friend who would visit the king in exile. The king
would tell him that they had a tradition of coming from
Jewish ancestors."
What is the truth about this tradition?
"I know about this from stories . . . I haven't gone into it.
The king claimed to come from Jewish stock."
From the Ten Tribes?
"This we may add. The old Afghan people living in the
villages also claimed to be descended from Jews. There were
some signs to back up this claim: when they had a haircut
they did not cut in the area of the payos!"
Did they grow long payos?
"No. They were just careful not to shave the area and left
some hair there. They had other Jewish customs. Every Friday
they would light candles towards the evening. They also wore
a scarf which resembled tzitzis.
"My theory is that there was religious persecution in this
area and they converted to Islam. A friend of mine -- a big
merchant who traveled around the towns -- told me that they
found many gravestones with Jewish names in remote
He saw these with his own eyes?
"Yes, but he is no longer alive."
We Were Forced to Convert to Islam
In the past investigators published fascinating testimony
about Jews living in the mountains of Afghanistan.
"Afghanistan is an extreme Muslim State," one of the visitors
wrote. "We were afraid of contacting our brethren living in
those remote areas, being afraid of receiving harsh jail
sentences. For a small matter you can rot for years in prison
and suffer hair-raising torture. Were it not for our fear of
investigating their customs and their past we would be able
to obtain a lot of material to confirm their tradition about
their Jewish past."
The mountain tribes of Afghanistan are fierce and courageous
fighters. When a child is born he is given a gun. One of the
first sounds that a child is made to hear is that of gunfire.
They literally "live by the sword." The British used to pay
the heads of the tribes large sums in return for their
maintaining quiet in the mountain passages.
A Jewish merchant visited Afghanistan just after the British
had decided to cut back their expenses by freezing the
transfer of the regular "tax" to the local sheikhs. "One fine
day we felt a strange quiet in the town, and it really turned
out to be the quiet before the storm. Suddenly we heard
hordes of tribesmen on horseback from the mountainous areas
thundering into the town and the town was quickly flooded
with them. They were courageous and tall fighters and the
local police just fled in all directions. The invaders
emptied out the stores and houses. Within a short time the
place was simply swept up by them and left empty. They
collected the booty as if they were on a fishing expedition
without encountering any opposition."
Then comes the interesting part: "As they were picking up
their spoils they noticed me and realized straightaway that I
was a stranger to the place and not a Muslim. They did not
harm me and started asking me questions. I told them that I
was a Jewish merchant from Persia and they let me speak with
their leader, the sheikh of the tribe. This is what the
sheikh told me: `We know about our Jewish ancestry. We have a
tradition, which has been passed down from generation to
generation, that we come from Jews and that until the period
of the Islamic conquest we were complete Jews until being
forced to convert to Islam.' The sheikh added that already
100 years before Islam appeared in the area they were
attacked by fire worshipers, who looted all their belongings
including ancient books. As a result they submitted to Islam
relatively easily, since their tradition had disappeared by
that time."
Anyone Jewish Shall Be Killed
It is fascinating to see the many Jewish customs of the
Pathans. In the museum in the capital Kabul an ancient black
stone is on display, which has the following message in
Hebrew engraved on it: "We shall be faced with fear and
terror. Anyone Jewish shall be killed, and any Muslim shall
live. Wednesday 4th Adar." The year is broken off of the
An immigrant from Afghanistan related the following: "Once I
was walking with my family in the king's garden in Kabul. The
king was walking there. He called us and we went over to him
and kissed his hand, as is customary. The king asked me how
long the Jews had been living in Afghanistan. I did not know
what to answer. He said that there was a stone according to
which the Jews had been here for 1540 years." It is not at
all certain that he had the same stone in mind.
Another former Afghan Jew recalls the following: "When I was
a child in the Afghan town of Her'at it became known that the
King Emir Chaviv Alla Khan, the father of King Amman Alla
Khan, was coming to tour the city riding on a horse. The
notable Jews of the town, including my late father, a well-
respected merchant from the area, met and decided to organize
a festive welcome for the king. My father also pushed me to
participate in the welcoming ceremony.
"The king asked the Jews which tribe they came from. The
heads of the delegation replied that they did not know, since
they did not have any family trees. `Well, we do know,'
responded the king. `We are from the family of Machmad Zay.
We are all from the tribe of Benjamin, descendants of King
Saul from the sons of Jonathan, Afghan and Pathan.' The king
took leave of the delegation but not before instructing his
servants to provide the Jews with gilded coats and hats.
The president of the Her'at Jewish community, the late Mr.
Avrohom Hakohen also testified that in his youth he heard
King Chaviv Alla declaring that he was from the tribe of
Benjamin, and that Afghans living in the mountains had told
him: "We have heard from our elders that we come from the
The king's statement reveals the origin of the name "Pathan."
The tribe's members are convinced that they are the
descendants of Pison, grandson of Yonoson the son of Shaul,
who is mentioned in Divrei Hayomim I (8:35).
"When I was in Lahore in the Punjab [now Pakistan] I started
talking to a Muslim, and we got onto the topic of religion. A
local youngster was listening to our conversation and he
interrupted us, saying to me, `You be quiet, Sir, and let me
answer him!' He proceeded to curse the Muslim and ended his
speech like this: `You are lies, and so is your religion.
Moshe and his Torah are the truth!'"
Another report speaks about a family who lived a Jewish way
of life until a few generations ago and then were forced to
convert to Islam. Several times they found excerpts from a
Sefer Torah, which they transferred to the Jews. On
Yom Kippur a member of the tribe would be present in
shul and stay there until the end of the fast, not
saying a word.
Members of the tribe had amulets hidden in silver containers,
which they kept secret from everybody and which they
themselves were forbidden to open. A Jewish visitor to a
village in the Mengal region noticed some boys aged three to
five running around with amulets. He grabbed an amulet from
one of them, opened it and discovered two words written in
ksav Ashuris: Shema Yisroel. Only one of the members
of the tribe knows how to write the amulet and the secret of
the "chant" is transmitted from father to oldest son. The
person who writes the amulet shuts himself up in a room
inside another room and writes the "chant." Since the amulet
is written in Assyrian script the person writing it clearly
does not understand its meaning, but he relates to it with
awe as a mysterious symbol.
If You Open It, You Will Die
One of the villages had a "charm": a small bundle which they
would put underneath a sick person's head. One Jewish visitor
wanted to see the contents of this bundle, but was warned by
the locals not to open it and that if he did so he would die.
He was told that there were similar bundles in the whole
region, but they were not opened by anybody. He met with an
old lady healer ("over 100 years old" according to the
locals) and she also warned him not to open the bundle, since
"it would be a pity for him to die young." He did open it
and, having remained alive, found a sefer Tehillim
inside it!
In one of the towns belonging to the Pathan tribe there is a
mysterious building called "The Holy House." It is kept under
lock and key and nobody is allowed in. Jews who spoke to
tribal elders found out that there were sifrei Torah
inside. They claimed that this ancient building used to be a
synagogue. Attempts to purchase these sifrei Torah for
large sums came to nothing, following the staunch opposition
of the elders of the tribe "for that is what our forefathers
instructed us."
In the town of Balach [Ed: We could only find towns named
"Farah" and "Baghlan" on a map of Afghanistan.] which,
according to local tradition was founded after the
destruction of the First Beis Hamikdosh, the locals
buried thousands of books ten meters underneath the ground
and built a road on top of it.
The district officer of Her'at, who signs exit permits for
Jews, asked one of the activists in the Jewish community
where the Jews were traveling to. He told them that they were
heading for Eretz Yisroel. The officer was very
surprised to hear this and commented, "But we are also from
the Children of Israel, why are you leaving for the Land of
The Ten Tribes?
Who are these Pathan tribes? Moshiach will tell us,
but we may (with uncertainty, to be sure) surmise that they
are descendants of the Ten Tribes. The Pathans populated more
than half of Afghanistan and they ruled the country. The
Tiferes Yisroel refers to them directly (in the beginning of
perek Cheilek): "Many of them assimilated amongst the
nations . . . R. Akiva and R. Elozor disagree about whether
le'osid lovo those who have remained assimilated will
again be forcibly made to return to Judaism, as it says, `As
I live, says Hashem Tzevokos, surely with a mighty
hand and with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out,
will I be King over you" (Yechezkel 20:33). For even
though some of them are total idol worshipers, any remnants
of Judaism having been erased, and they only observe some
Jewish customs which have been handed down to then from their
ancestors, as is the case for example with the Afghan people
who, according to some geographers, are lost Jews."
It says, "And the king of Assyria carried Yisroel away to
Assyria and put them in Chelach and in Chavor, on the river
of Gozon, and in the cities of the Medes" (Melochim II
18:11), and in Divrei Hayomim I 5:26, "And He brought
them to Chelach and Chavor, and Horo, and the river of Gozon,
to this day." According to the tradition of Afghan Jewry (not
the Muslim tribes) the river Gozon is the river Rod Jezan
("Rod" is "river" in Persian), the town Chavor is Pashbur,
which is a composite of two words, "pash" and "chavor," which
means "the passage of Chavor" in Afghan. The town Horo
(Chelach) is to be identified with Her'at.
Several places in Tanach describe the poor spiritual
condition of the dispersed Jews and this corresponds to the
findings. "Efraim will assimilate amongst the nations"
(Hoshea 7), and see Mahari Kro who writes about the
causes of the Ten Tribes' assimilation. In Michah
(4:6) it says, "On that day, says Hashem, will I assemble the
limping [exiles] and I will gather her that is driven away,
and her that I have afflicted," and in Zefania (3:19),
"I will deal with all those who afflict you, and I will save
her that is lame."
The Vilna Gaon explains the "lameness" to be a reference to
the fact that they have to limp along on only one leg since
they have only one Torah -- the written one -- and not the
Torah shebe'al peh.
Jewish Customs
There is a long list of Pathan customs which resemble Jewish
ones. Regarding the prohibition of shaving the place of the
payos we have the following testimony of a Bocharan
Jew who stayed in Afghanistan: "I am a barber and I would
shave them. They warned me not to touch their moustache or
their payos." They have a special garment called
"joy nimaz" ("Place of prayer" in Afghan) which covers
the head and part of the shoulders. This garment usually does
not have tzitzis. On the other hand they also have a
garment with four fringes on whose edges some of them hang
threads. A tallis koton?
Shabbos is a day of rest. The elders of the tribes had the
custom of lighting oil candles in the evening. The candles
would usually be covered with a large basket or mat. Some of
the Pathans pray in the direction of Yerushalayim. When there
is a plague they slaughter a sheep and sprinkle its blood on
the lintel and door post of the house!
They have Jewish names not usually found among Muslims, such
as Yisrael. The names of their tribes resemble names of the
shevotim: the Ravani (Reuven), the Halvani (Levi), the
Yusuf Say (sons of Yosef), and the Afridi (Efraim). The "Sons
of Yosef" are considered one of the most courageous tribes in
Afghanistan. Two of its members who served in the British
army in the First World War were stationed near Chadera and
applied to be converted, but their request was turned
There is evidence that the Pathans themselves claim that the
difference between the tribe's original name and its current
one is due to different dialects. They say that the original
name of the Gagi tribe is Gad and so on.
The Jewish symbol of the mogen Dovid is to be found in
almost every Pathan house! The wealthy have it made out of
expensive metals and the poor make it out of simple wood. The
symbol can be seen on towers, schools, tools, and jewelry.
One thing is certain: contrary to some rumors, there is no
connection between the murderer hiding in the caves of
Afghanistan and the Ten Tribes. He stems from Yemen (via
Saudi Arabia) and not from the Pathan tribes.
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