Judaism Is Pluralistic
At every opportunity -- including some that they make
themselves -- our opponents criticize us by lumping us
together with other religious fundamentalists.
The Luchos and the Broken Luchos are in The Oron -- Part
II: You Need Daas Torah to Start a War
A hesped on Rav Shach ztvk"l given on the
sheloshim, by Rav Zvi Friedman shlita
The first part of this work discussed the necessity of the
chareidi community living and acting alone, without the
possibility of being influenced by other communities whose
lifestyle is based on principles that are hostile to Torah
life. "Once, during the Holocaust, the Rabbinate [in Israel]
organized a prayer meeting together with chareidi groups and,
despite the severity of the situation, the Chazon Ish held
that the chareidim should not join but should pray only on
their own, since the foundation of our existence is absolute
At Whose Table Do We Eat?
by S. Bilgrei
The Sefer Yetziroh links the month of Shevat with
"le'ito," which means eating. This indicates that
Shevat was chosen from all the months to perfect kedushas
achilloh, which is also the foundation of Tu BeShevat.
"And Then Did Moshe and Bnei Yisroel Sing . . . "
by L. Jungerman
"He felt inspired in his heart to sing. His heart told him to
sing" (Rashi).
We can only grasp the significance of these words if we study
the nature of the heart of a Jew. Thus says the Rambam in the
laws of divorce: "Whoever is overcome by his yetzer
hora to nullify a commandment or commit a sin and is
administered lashes until he submits to doing what is
incumbent upon him, or to distance himself from what is
forbidden to him, is not considered to be acting under
coercion since he really wishes to be part of Jewry and
wishes to obey all of the commandments and stay away from
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